C. Van Tune
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  • Rancho Santa Fe, CA
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  • Marty Smith

C. Van Tune's Discussions

Power Steering Hose Questions

Started this discussion. Last reply by C. Van Tune Feb 26. 6 Replies

My '64 Eldo's high-pressure P/S hose sprung a leak, so I want to change it (and the low-pressure hose.) My car is concours-level restored, so keeping as close to the stock fitment and appearance is…Continue

Trivia question: Why did the redesigned engine for 1963 stay at 390 cubes...

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jason Edge Feb 21, 2023. 5 Replies

...and then the next year, in 1964, get enlarged to 429?I would've thought that with Cadillac's going to the time, trouble and expense of re-engineering the old 331-390 engine into the next gen, they…Continue

What year did Cadillac start installing radiator overflow tanks?

Started this discussion. Last reply by C. Van Tune Mar 22, 2023. 5 Replies

Did the '64s have them? Continue

Was there Originally Carpet Inside 1964 Eldorado Center Console?

Started this discussion. Last reply by C. Van Tune Oct 1, 2022. 8 Replies

Is there supposed to be carpet inside the '64 Eldo center console?There is carpet in mine, and it's a deeper pile than what's on the floor (which has probably been replaced.)Here's some pix of mine.…Continue


C. Van Tune's Page

Latest Activity

C. Van Tune replied to Daniela's discussion Here we go again - Help! - Transmission overheating
"Doug, sorry...brain misfire. Yes, I'm very aware that the Turbo 400 came out in '64. I read that she has an Eldo and my brain automatically assumed 1964, like my car.  Thanks for pointing it out that the '63 had the Jetaway. "
Sep 12
C. Van Tune replied to Daniela's discussion Here we go again - Help! - Transmission overheating
"Hi Daniela, It's a myth that these Cadillacs were not meant to withstand modern traffic. GM & its Harrison Division (the automotive air conditioning group) engineers would test these cars, and all the big GMs, in places like Death Valley in…"
Aug 31
C. Van Tune replied to James Fraschieri's discussion No power under load
"That's the culprit!  Jason's right in checking EVERYTHING that delivers fuel to the intake manifold. It might be a slight fix here, a slight fix there, but it adds up. "
Aug 18
C. Van Tune replied to James Fraschieri's discussion No power under load
"Have you replaced the fuel filter? That's always a good place to start.  "
Aug 15
C. Van Tune replied to Norman Silverman's discussion Which Disc Brake Conversion kit does everyone like ?
"Hi Norman...off topic sorry...but where did you sell your Imperials?  (And what year & condition were they?)  I have a gorgeous '71 LeBaron survivor with only 26,000 careful miles, and I don't think BaT or Hemmings will pull…"
Jul 9
C. Van Tune replied to Jason Edge's discussion At the 2024 Grand National - Robert Schles 1964 Eldorado
"Pretty car. Great color!   It'll be worth all the hard work along the way.  "
Jul 6
C. Van Tune replied to Jason Edge's discussion Anyone Ever Successfully Install those Sanderson Headers?
"Having built a lot of high performance engines in my day (not Cadillac engines...SBC and BBF mostly) and also owned about ten '60s Cadillacs) I don't know why anyone would want to put headers on a Cadillac V8 from our era.   These…"
Jun 27
C. Van Tune replied to Michael Vogler's discussion Informal Southern California Meet Up????
"I'm in the San Diego area, and would enjoy meeting some local 1963-64 enthusiasts.   I can make it to South O.C okay in the Eldo, but wouldn't attempt L.A., due to the crazed 90 mph drivers in giant pickups that think nothing of…"
Jun 23
C. Van Tune replied to Jason Edge's discussion Just Ordered the 3rd set of Tires for my 'Dino'
"I agree with Logan!  Bias ply for auto shows...radials for the road. Huge difference in ride and handling. "
Jun 23
C. Van Tune replied to Tim's discussion WTS 1964 Sedan Deville w/all options 20k
"I checked out the pix one the CLC site, and it looks like a very sweet car.   What exactly did you treat the seat leather with to have it look so fresh? "
May 15
C. Van Tune replied to Jason Edge's discussion Show Your Vintage, Antique or Personalized License Plate!
"If you read the article about my '64 Eldo in a recent newsletter, then you've already seen this photo. If you haven't, that's me as a Cadillac-loving 6-year-old next to my mom's just-months-from-new '64 CdV.   When…"
May 15
C. Van Tune replied to Jordan Johansen-Moe's discussion Troubleshooting drivability
"A contributing item might be our nemesis...modern gas with ethanol. It can add to a the tendency for older cars to idle rough (especially when hot) and vapor lock.  My first trouble shooting fix is to install an elective helper pump near the…"
May 10
C. Van Tune replied to Jason Edge's discussion On Busy Day Yesterday!
"A day like that will keep you young, Jason.  That is, of course, unless you bust a hernia or blow out your back in the process. Be careful out there, you energetic whipper-snappers! "
May 7
C. Van Tune replied to Jason Edge's discussion Cadillac Original Ads - 1964 Standard Ads
"I was watching an old episode of "Perry Mason" last night (from 1965) and he was driving a new dark-colored '65 de Ville convertible.   The rest of the screen cars were Chevys, as Chevrolet had taken over product placement from…"
Mar 13
C. Van Tune replied to Jason Edge's discussion Cadillac Original Ads - 1964 Standard Ads
"Interesting that the '65 ad above is the first mention (that I've seen) of the term "previously owned" versus "used car."  Whoever thought that up deserved a big raise. "
Mar 12
C. Van Tune replied to Russ Austin's discussion Retirement
"Congrats, Russ, on your retirement.  Very glad to know that your business now operating full-time for us Cadillac fanatics! All the best, Van"
Mar 7

Profile Information

Do you own any 1963 & 1964 Cadillacs? If Yes, Year & Body Style
Past Owner of:
'61 Series 62 Coupe with 21k miles. Featured in Petersen Museum.
'64 SdV with 14k miles (original tires!)
'64 Eldorado
'67 Eldorado with 24k miles (featured in Motor Trend Magazine)
'67 Fleetwood
'70 Eldorado

Current Owner of:
'64 Eldorado (former Ken Karrer owned.) Winner 2022 Keels & Wheels Best of Show American Post-War. Winner 2017 Grand National Senior Award Primary. Winner 2015 Grand National First Place Primary.

2022 Escalade Sport Platinum upgraded to Callaway Supercharged 602hp (my daily driver.)
Cadillac LaSalle Club Membership Number? (Must be a member to Join Chapter & Website)
1963/64 Cadillac Chapter Member?

Comment Wall (2 comments)

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At 2:19pm on January 18, 2024, Marty Smith said…

 Beautiful Eldorado Mr Van Tune, if I am not mistaken this car was at the 2013 GN in Boston and was owned by Henny Karreman at that time, and was restored by Wayne Carini's father .  You are probably aware of that, I sold my 64 Eldo to a gentleman in Morgan Hill Ca. also a Senior car. Congrats   Marty

At 9:06pm on June 27, 2022, Jason Edge said…

Welcome to the 63/64 Cadillac Website.

This site is hosted by the CLC (Cadillac LaSalle Club) 1963/64 Cadillac Chapter. Joining the website is free to everyone, however, you must be a CLC member to join the Chapter. 

- Click on www.join.6364cadillac.com for more information on joining the 1963/64 Cadillac Chapter and the Cadillac LaSalle Club.

Be sure and check out all the links and pages and make yourself at home. The Help Page at www.help.6364cadillac.com will have links to many useful articles and information about our Cadillacs.



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Fender Trim Removal

Started by Kevin Wray in Restoration Discussion. Last reply by Jason Edge yesterday. 6 Replies

Thanks to Jason's expert advice, I was able to remove the fender trim on my 63 de Ville without removing the fender. Pics contain the locations of the 3/8 in nuts and how to access them. My clips…Continue

Tags: removal, trim

Body side molding install help needed

Started by Wayne Morris in 1963/64 Cadillac Specific Discussion. Last reply by Jason Edge yesterday. 3 Replies

I am in the process of trying to install body side molding. I have completed installing the two front fender pieces and now trying ti figure out the rest.…Continue


Started by David Erickson in General Discussion yesterday. 0 Replies

I have an all original 63 Cadillac Park Avenue.  It has won awards in the past in the Originality Category.  My question to the group is what types of work you can do on the car that does not cause…Continue

Current 1963/64 Cadillac Listings on eBay

Started by Jason Edge in 1963/64 Cadillac Specific Discussion. Last reply by Jason Edge on Wednesday. 1 Reply

To see all 1963/64 Cadillacs Listed on eBay in the USA…Continue

Tags: ebay

Blog Posts

New old stock seat material

Posted by Ray Schick on August 22, 2024 at 6:25pm 2 Comments

I bought this seat material thinking that it’s…


Loud air moving sound within carb with cleaner removed

Posted by Dave Fehrle on March 23, 2024 at 3:23pm 8 Comments

While checking my Carter carb with engine running, I took the air cleaner off and there was a very loud hissing sound of air. I placed a piece of paper over the carb and it didn’t move up or down, is this normal?

Vintage Air AC

Posted by Chase on March 21, 2024 at 5:55am 0 Comments

Hey everyone, has anybody done a Vintage Air AC/Heat setup in their car? I want to bypass the old vacuum setup and go with a Vintage Air Gen 2 model. Before I get started, does anyone have any experience with this? (Which model to go with, do’s and dont’s, etc.) It looks pretty involved. Any and all info/pics would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

accumulator dryer

Posted by CHRIS CARLSON on December 6, 2023 at 10:54am 0 Comments

Who rebuilds original AC  accumulator dryers for 1964 Cadillac? I have been on Classic auto air in Tampa FL wait list for over a year ,  There is one on Old air products web site that looks very similar to the original # 21-4214A but states it fits 1962 Gm cars, The one recommended for a 1964 Cadillac is half the length 21-4215A    What  is everyone using ? I would prefer to be as original as possible. Thanks


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