2013 Grand National

2013 Grand National in Boston  
July 31 – Aug 3, 2013

1963/64 Cadillac Website  GN Page  www.2013GN.6364Cadillac.com

Marriott Boston Quincy Host Hotel of the 2013 Grand National


63/64 Cadillac Chapter Member Attending

Jason and Cheryl Edge
Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy
Dates: Sat, July 27 to Mon, Aug 5, 2013
(taking Historic Boston Tour, Wed, July 31)
hosting chapter meet-up

Bill Aprile
Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy
Dates:  Mon, July 29 to Sun, Aug 4, 2013
Mike & Vicky Barruzza

Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy
Dates:  Mon, July 29 to Sun, Aug 4, 2013
attending chapter meet-up
Frank & Martina Butler

Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy

Dates:  Tue, July 30 to Sun, Aug 4, 2013
(taking Historic Boston Tour, Wed, July 31)
Frank attending chapter meet-up

Tim Coy 
Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy

Dates:  Mon, July 29 to Sun, Aug 4, 2013
Bob Crimmins
Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy
Dates:  Mon, July 29 to Sun, Aug 4, 2013
attending chapter meet-up   
Jimmy & Mary Sue Dorsey

Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy
Dates:  Tue, July 30 to Sun, Aug 4, 2013
attending chapter meet-up   
Robert Dye with wife Marta and daughter Grace
Hotel:  Sheraton in Norwood just a few miles away from Quincy.
Dates: Wed, July 31 to Sat, Aug 3, 2013

Les and Matt Eastling

Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy
Dates:  Wed, July 31 to Sun, Aug 4, 2013
attending chapter meet-up
Cliff Graubard
Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy
Dates:  Wed, July 31 to Sat, Aug 3, 2013

(vendor with 7 spaces of 1950-1964 parts!)
Chris Harris-Evans and wife Jean

Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy
Dates:  Tues, July 30 to Sun, Aug 4, 2013
attending chapter meet-up  
Rob & Lois Harriman

Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy
Dates:  Thurs, Aug 1 to Sun, Aug 4, 2013

Lance, Dianna, Ella and Benjamin Hirsch
Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy
Dates:  Wed, July 31 to Sun, Aug 4, 2013

  Sam and Karen Jackson
Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy
Dates:  Wed, July 31 to Sun, Aug 4, 2013
attending chapter meet-up
Ted Mandalakis
Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy
Dates:  Checking in Late Tuesday, July 30 to Sun, Aug 4, 2013
(taking Historic Boston Tour, Wed, July 31)
attending chapter meet-up

Joe and Michele Manna 
Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy

Dates:  Fri, Aug 2 to Sun, Aug 4, 2013

Mark Nichols & Parents
Dates:  Thurs, Aug 1 to Sun, Aug 4, 2013
attending chapter meet-up
Dan and Jackie O'Rourke 
Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy

Dates:  Thurs, Aug 1 to Sun, Aug 4, 2013
attending chapter meet-up
Al Papetti
attending chapter meet-up

  Greg Powers
Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy
Dates:  Mon, July 29 to Sun, Aug 5, 2013
attending chapter meet-up
Frank Puma & Wife
Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy
Dates:  Wed, July 31 to Sat, Aug 3, 2013
Jerry & Michele Puma
Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy
Dates:  Wed, July 31 to Sat, Aug 3, 2013
  Marty and Tori Smith
Hotel: Alternate Wed, July 31, Host Thurs, Aug 1 to Sun Aug 4, 2013
Marc Tuwiner
Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy
Dates:  Wed, July 31 to Sat, Aug 3, 2013

(vendor with 7 spaces of 1950-1964 parts!)
 Jim Verraster
Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy
Darrell Wagner
traveling to GN from home in Southern New Hampshire
Bob and Judy Winchell
Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy
Dates:  Wed, July 31 to Sat, Aug 3, 2013
(will have vendor booth inside)

Andy Zizolfo 
Hotel:  Marriott Boston Quincy

Update July 20, 2013:

 I sent this out via email last night and wanted to update our GN info here on the website with this info.

Hello All!  
With just a little over a week before the Boston Grand National, I wanted to send a reminder to those going to GN.   I will probably send one more final reminder next weekend.  
Chapter Members Attending:
We have a list at www.2013GN.6364cadillac.com. I have been gathering names, days, etc of those attending and adding to our growing list .  If you are going and your name is not on the list, or something needs to be added or corrected send me an email.

Not Attending this Year?
Plan to attend next year in Lake George, New York, July 8 – 12, 2014.   As a Cadillac enthusiast and Club Member, attending a Grand National is a very rewarding experience.  I am completely hooked and plan to attend as many as possible going forward!

Chapter Meeting at Grand National Saturday, Aug 3, 4pm to 5pm: 
We have a chapter meet-up at the Host Hotel after the car show and before the banquet.  This is a great time to meet your fellow chapter member, plus I plan to do a group picture for upcoming Newsletter. I look forward to our first formal chapter meet-up and hope this will be  recurring event at the Grand Nationals.  Make sure you let me know if you will be attending.

Important Links:
Grand National Main Site: www.2013GN.com  
Registration: http://www.nerclc.com/gnregister
Schedule At-a-Glance: http://www.nerclc.com/gnschedule
Seminar Descriptions: http://www.nerclc.com/seminar
Tour Descriptions: http://www.nerclc.com/gntours
Hotel Information: http://www.nerclc.com/hotel
CLC Judging Manual: CLC_Judging_Manual.pdf

My Contact Info: 
Mine and my wife Cheryl's phone #'s were sent via email to CLC members last night. We have unlimited data and text so feel free to text.  I will also have the laptop with me and will be checking email on the iphone and laptop.  My email address is jasonedge@nc.rr.com.   I will post our room # once we check in so feel free to drop by and say hello. As noted in the list at bottom we will be at the host hotel from July 27 to Aug 5.   Keep in mind that I have not met many of you in person so be sure and introduce yourself and let me know you are a chapter member!

Reception and Banquet:
The Reception tends to be a “move around and mingle” affair, but the banquet is a seated event, and welcome all of our chapter members to join me and Cheryl at the banquet.  I know that many of you are also members of regions and may be joining your local region at the banquet and fully understand.

Newsletter and Upcoming Self Starter:
The next newsletter will probably be a July & August Newsletter with the spotlight on th Grand National. 

August Self Starter Spotlights the 1963 Cadillac:
Watch for the August Self Starter which will mark the 50th anniversary of the 1963 Cadillac, and will be the biggest Self Starter ever, most of which covers the 1963 Cadillac!   Many of our member cars will be featured.

Chapter Membership:
Our Chapter is free to all Cadillac LaSalle Members, and encourage all of our CLC members that have not joined, to send me a request with your name, CLC #, address and list of 1963 and 1964 Cadillacs so I can sign you up. It is a great time to be a part of our progressive, proactive, informative and fun chapter!  
Chapter Shirts Available:
We have been out of the M, L and XL chapter shirts for a while but have just put in an order so I will have a good selection to take with us to the Grand National in Boston.  These are top quality "Gildan Ultra Cotton" pre shrunk shirts. The color is ash grey which will go great with just about anything color pants or jacket, especially a dark jacket or dark pants.

Update 9/5/13: Links to Video Added

HD Video from the 2013 CLC Boston Grand National Banquet will be uploaded to the CLC YouTube Channel located at https://www.youtube.com/cadillaclasalleclub

The August 3 banquet is being posted in 2 parts:
Part 1 includes the Individual Award Section and Part 2 includes the Car Award Section.

2013 Cadillac LaSalle Club Boston Grand National Banquet Part 1- Individual Awards
has been uploaded and can be seen at this link: http://youtu.be/kDJek7JqmjA

2013 Cadillac LaSalle Club Boston Grand National Banquet Part 2- Car Awards
has been uploaded and can be seen at this link: http://youtu.be/xIzXY7EK1Go

2013 Cadillac LaSalle Club Boston Grand National Reception and Auction for CLC MRC
video from the July 31 Reception and CLCMRC Auction can be seen at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ud7mNysSAC8&feature=share&list=UUSUPTajKWfC6p8Uswo3-NFg

2013 CLC Grand National Seminar - "Cadillac History and Innovation - The First 50 Years" by Travis Washay
video can be seen at this link: http://youtu.be/neCDZtDL41w

2013 CLC Grand National Seminar - "Advanced Cadillac Air Conditioning" - Greg Surfas
video can be seen at this link: http://youtu.be/LQ7eYJjlcOs
2013 CLC Grand National Seminar - "Restoration of a 1949 Cadillac" - Joe Cutler
video can be seen at this link: http://youtu.be/5AQZenHJ0l4

In addition, I have added a couple of 1963/64 Cadillac Chapter related videos posted to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/6364CadillacChapter including the following:

2013 Cadillac LaSalle Club Boston Grand National Banquet- Pre Show Video
Video prior to the main awards section of the 2013 CLC Grand National Banquet including setup and audience scans and the 63/64 Chapter group can be seen at this link:

2013 Cadillac LaSalle Club Website Excellence Award & Website of Merit Recognition
This is a section of the main individual awards where the Website Excellence and Website of Merit Recognition were given and can be seen at:


You need to be a member of 63/64 Cadillac Website to add comments!

Join 63/64 Cadillac Website

Comment by Jason Edge on September 13, 2013 at 5:10pm

National CLC Awards have been updated to included 2013 personal award winners at this link: http://www.cadillaclasalleclub.org/national-awards/national-club-aw...

I'm of course very proud to be the listed for our 63/64 site here!

Comment by Jason Edge on September 10, 2013 at 5:55pm

You can see this year's Car Award Winners at this link: http://www.cadillaclasalleclub.org/national-awards/2013-national-aw...

Comment by Jason Edge on September 5, 2013 at 6:30am

I have added links to all video I have posted from the 2013 GN up top on the main header for safe keeping. We will leave the 2013 GN Link up in the header section of the website for a while then switch out as we start planning for the 2014 GN in Lake George, New York!

Comment by Jason Edge on August 2, 2013 at 12:49pm

Video from the Reception & Auction has been posted to our 63/64 Cadillac YouTube Channel at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1HTXtY-NOE

Comment by Jason Edge on August 2, 2013 at 1:30am

The Historic Boston Tour has definitely been a highlight of the 2013 CLC Grand National So Far.

See more pictures at this link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151803941455883.1073741...

Comment by Jason Edge on August 2, 2013 at 12:49am

I just wanted to check in and say we are having an absolute blast here at the Grand National. Cheryl and I did the Historic Boston Tour Yesterday, and she took the Salem Witch tour today (well yesterday as it is after midnight right now!).  I'm an absolute camera freak and it is hard to not run out and just go crazy taking pictures of every old LaSalle and Cadillac here, ....but know I will end up repeating my self and will wait until Saturday to go through and get some decent pictures of many of the cars.

I will say that all CLC members should attend a Grand National.  Once you have been to one, you will usually be hooked like I am.  I like to say that there are 3 Major Components of being a CLC Member:
1) Just being a member of a premier Car Club and getting the Excellent Self Starter and many other benefits
2) Joining your local regions and chapters and meeting up to share your Cadillac and Cadillac Experience
3) Taking part in a Grand National or European National or other National event and meeting up with people that share your passion from all around the globe.

Comment by Jason Edge on August 1, 2013 at 1:14pm

I have posted some pictures of last nights CLC Reception and Auction at this link:

Comment by Jason Edge on July 30, 2013 at 1:42pm

For the Banquet, Saturday August 3, I have Table 3 at the front reserved for Chapter Members that would like to sit with me and Cheryl. The table seats 10 so we have 8 open spots.

Comment by Jason Edge on July 30, 2013 at 12:34pm

There is a rock cliff behind the hotel I climbed up and got some panoramic pictures of the Hotel and the Show Field today which you can see at this link: https://www.facebook.com/6364Cadillac

I also posted some video on our 63/64 Cadillac Chapter YouTube Channel at this link:

Comment by Jason Edge on July 29, 2013 at 10:31pm

Our Chapter Meetup will bein the Abigail Adams Room, Sat, Aug 3, 4-5 pm

Comment by Jason Edge on July 29, 2013 at 10:31pm

I posted a few more pictures from the Hotel Room as guests arrived today starting with this picture: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151797987775883&set=a...

Comment by Jason Edge on July 29, 2013 at 10:22am

I'll post pictures of those cool 63's and 64's on our Facebook Page in an album at this link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.591556700867743.107374183...

Here are a couple I have already spoted:

Comment by Jason Edge on July 29, 2013 at 10:07am

I have posted some pictures from the Marriott Boston Quincy Hotel which you can see on my facebook album at this link:


Me and my wife Cheryl also went into downtown Quincy today and visited the tombs of John and John Quincy Adams among other sites. You can see pictures from Quincy at this link:

Comment by Jason Edge on July 29, 2013 at 10:05am

Chris Milici, Chairman, 2013 CLC Grand National,  is setting up now and just walked down the Elvis Wines we are donating and put out some flyers for the 63/64 Chapter.  By the way we will have a raffle as part of our 1963/64 Chapter Meetup thanks to my wife Cheryl.

Comment by Jason Edge on July 27, 2013 at 6:28pm
Checked in around 3 pm. On 8th floor facing Boston. Had delays in Va due to road construction in middle of the night. We saw some cool caddies checking in. Place is as nice as the picture. At bar having refreshments with Cheryl.
Comment by Jason Edge on July 26, 2013 at 10:35pm

I've been going wide open since 4:45am today and about the head out for the 12 hour drive to Boston around Midnight!  The escalade is packed to the gills with parts, luggage and parts. I'll see those going to Boston for the Grand National in the coming days!

Comment by Jason Edge on July 25, 2013 at 10:30am

I've been in rapid fire pack mode when not at work with my day job, and will be heading out at midnight tomorrow (Friday Night). I have one transmission drop off near Elkton, Maryland (shooting for 5:30am) and hope to hit Boston sometime around noon or shortly there after!  I will go ahead and set up our Sunday Chat Event and hope I can log in from Boston Sunday and join everyone.  For those heading to Boston, have a safe trip.  For those that can't make this year's Grand National I hope to see you in Lake George, New York next year!

Comment by Jason Edge on July 24, 2013 at 6:34pm

Just added a link to CLC Judges manual and added Cliff Graubard as another Chapter Member joining us in Boston, He will have an outside Vendor Space and will have tons of parts for sale!

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