2015 Grand National

 2015 Grand National 

Brookfield, Wisconsin
June 24-27, 2015

CLC Grand National Website
1963/64 Cadillac Website GN Page  


Sheraton Brookfield-Milwaukee 
Host Hotel of the 2015 Grand National
375 South Moorland Road 
Brookfield, Wisconsin, 53005


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Comment by Jason Edge on August 30, 2015 at 2:06pm

Check out this time lapse video of the 2015 Grand National Car Show Field where where I condensed about 2 hrs of video down to 4 minutes.

Comment by Jason Edge on July 9, 2015 at 7:31am

I have posted about 30 minutes of the CLC 2015 Grand National Reception and Auction at this link: https://youtu.be/CtZhaDp9fYE
You will see 63/64 Chapter members and guests at our table where I had the camera setup.

Comment by Jason Edge on July 6, 2015 at 7:34pm

All of my pictures have now been posted to the CLC Photo Libraries at this link: http://photos.cadillaclasalleclub.org/index.php

Comment by Jason Edge on July 5, 2015 at 9:05am

For a taste of all cars at the 2015 GN check out this video: https://youtu.be/VZM13vp3iNg

Comment by Jason Edge on July 5, 2015 at 7:46am
I have posted some aerial shots from my 6th floor balcony of the show field on show day to our FB Group Page, and to this box.com account link:

Here is one example view:

Comment by Jason Edge on July 4, 2015 at 12:57pm

72 pictures of 1948 to 1958 cars have been posted to a new album on our Facebook Group. You can also see them on box.com at this link:


Today's cover spotlight on our FB Group from the 1948 to 1958 GN collection, is this photo of three 1955 Cadillac Coupes:

Comment by Jason Edge on July 3, 2015 at 8:44pm

Here is the video of the cars pulling out from the Sheraton Hotel for the CLC 2015 Grand National optional driving tour on June 23. I had uploaded this as a Facebook Video earlier, but wanted to put it on our CLC YouTube Channel. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/JCNlVkIKdS4

Comment by Jason Edge on June 30, 2015 at 4:37pm

148 pictures of 1915 to 1947 cars have been posted to a new album on the CLC Facebook Group at www.facebook.com/groups/cadillaclasalleclub/. You can also see them on box.com at this link: https://app.box.com/s/57d4xs0kseeqp43j4b1x0gq5v58ctpfs 

Below is a sample of the first batch of show pictures posted:

Comment by Jason Edge on June 29, 2015 at 8:47am

I just posted this via email to our chapter members that attended the 2015 GN but thought I would share here also:

Between the chapter meet-up, dinner, and banquet I think we were a well represented chapter and glad we could get together. I’ve seen a few of you several times at the GNs and it just gets better each time as we get to know each other.
I hope you will all attend the Vegas so we can all do it again next year. I booked for 7 days, Sun April 10 to Sun April 17, for $548 including taxes, fees, etc, which ain’t bad for a week in Vegas!! 

If you want to book now:

The 2016 Cadillac LaSalle Club Grand National will be held April 12-16 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Suncoast Hotel and Casino is the Host Hotel.   You can book now by clicking on www.suncoastcasino.com/groups and entering group code A6CLC04 to get special room rates between April 10 and 18th!

Comment by Jason Edge on June 26, 2015 at 12:01am

We had a fantastic chapter meet-up today at the CLC Grand national. I have inserted a picture below. After the chapter meeting we had dinner at Bravo! Italian restaurant nearby.  Meeting up with our chapter members and seeing their Cadillacs at the Grand National has go to be one of the funnest things you can do as a Cadillac Enthusiast!!

Comment by Jason Edge on June 24, 2015 at 2:53pm

Pictures from today's Milwaukee River and harbor tour were posted to the CLC Facebook Page. You can also see them in my Box.com account at this link: https://app.box.com/s/f6dc4oo0mkj92er2y1hrjee2x42d44ld

Comment by Jason Edge on June 22, 2015 at 6:50pm

So I am not duplicating myself I will post 1963 & 1964 Cadillacs on our Facebook Page (located at https://www.facebook.com/6364Cadillac , and all other Cadillacs and LaSalles on the CLC Facebook Group. If you have not joined the group, here is the link: www.facebook.com/groups/cadillaclasalleclub/.  After the GN I will pick out the best of the 63 & 64 Cadillacs pictures and post here on the main site.

Comment by Jason Edge on June 20, 2015 at 9:19pm

Well, I fly out to Wisconsin tomorrow for the 2015 Grand National and can't wait to see all those cool Cadillacs and LaSalles. I'll be judging again and of course taking in all the festivities. I am a full fledged GN junkie at this point and encourage everyone to join the CLC and take in a Grand National if you have not done so. 

I am of course eager to meet-up with many of our Chapter Members at both the Chapter Meet & Greet and Dinner. You know our website brings us all together instantly... electronically... but there is nothing like experiencing these cars and others that truly appreciate them in person!

As someone emailed me today, here's to a GRAND National!

Comment by Jason Edge on June 15, 2015 at 3:03pm

 have made reservations at the Bravo! Italian Restaurant just across the parking lot from our Sheraton Hotel for Thursday, June 25 at 7pm for our chapter dinner!

Here is their address and phone #:
BRAVO! Cucina Italiana
Brookfield Square
95 N Moorland Rd
Brookfield, WI 53005
262) 785-0858
As you see in the Google Earth capture below Bravo! is right across the Sears parking lot from the Sheraton. 
The yellow arrow points from the Hotel to Bravo!:
Comment by Jason Edge on May 27, 2015 at 11:05am

Note the updated list of Chapter Members Attending the 2015 GN up top.  If you will be attending the CLC Grand National, please provide hotel, dates, others in your party, Cadillac year & body style bringing, mobile phone #, email and if you will be attending the Thursday, June 25 Meet & Greet, and Dinner. 

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