Time: July 31, 2017 to August 6, 2017
Location: Hilton McLean Tysons Corner
City/Town: McLean
Website or Map: http://www.vfrclc.org/2017GN.…
Event Type: grand, national
Organized By: Valley Forge and Potomac CLC Regions.
Latest Activity: Jan 21, 2018
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The 2017 Cadillac LaSalle Club Grand National will be hosted jointly by the Potomac and Valley Forge CLC Regions and held July 31 to August 6, 2017 in McLean, Virginia. Hilton McLean Tysons Corner is the Host Hotel.
You can check out the hotel at this link: http://www3.hilton.com/en/hotels/virginia/hilton-mclean-tysons-corner-MCLMHHH/index.html
FACTS Pulled from the 2017 GN Website:
Note, I understand rooms are going fast. Some early days in the week may already be sold out. If you are planning on going to the 2017 Grand National and want to stay at the Host Hotel you need to call and book now.
Here's my response on the CLC Forum ... enjoy:
- At 8:00am and throughout rest of the day the link has not worked.
- At 8:01am I called the main Hilton 1-800 # and after about 15 minutes of negotiating my way with a Hilton Rep that obviously did not speak or understand English very well, I was told the entire block was sold out. I assumed they simply had not made the link active and/or made the group booking available to their system.
- I later received emails that rooms were not available, rooms would be available, rooms had been added and rooms were available, rooms were being booked, and all sorts of twisted, convoluted hotel reservation tales.
- So, at 12:32pm I decided to call back, and bare and grin it... and exactly 16 minutes later I had booked the standard $129 room from Sun, July 30 to Sun, Aug 6 and had a confirmation #.
I called at noon eastern time today and there were only 5 rooms with two double beds left at that time. The person I talked to said people had been calling all morning trying to get rooms for the event.
Just tried the link and calling Hilton reservations and looks like rooms have not been released for booking yet. It's 8:30am and will try again later.
Note: I have created a short cut URL to our CLC 2017 Grand National Event Page at:
There is also a link to the Event Page in the website header.
Note updates including Room Reservations for the 2017 Grand National:
Cadillac & LaSalle Club members will be able to reserve rooms at the 2017 Grand National Meet host hotel, the Hilton McLean Tysons Corner, starting on Monday, August 8th, at 8:00 AM. Rooms can be reserved one of two ways:
1) Call 1-800-HILTONS and reserve your room using group code CLC GN 2017
2) Reserve online at https://aws.passkey.com/event/15933483/owner/3114104/landing
Room rate is $129.00 plus tax (FYI there is NO backup hotel).
Additional information regarding the event is available on the 2017 Grand National webpage at http://www.vfrclc.org/2017gn.html
Vince Taliano
CLC Potomac Region
The 2017 GN website is now up. Check it out at http://www.vfrclc.org/2017GN.html
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