Doug Meloan
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  • Manhattan, KS
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Doug Meloan's Discussions

Air Conditioning/Heater issue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Doug Meloan Oct 13, 2017. 10 Replies

Hey guys, need some professional/expert advice.  This morning when I started my 1963 Cadillac and turned the heat on, all it would do is blow out cool air from the lower (floor) vent. If I switched…Continue

Air Conditioning/Heater issue

Started Oct 11, 2017 0 Replies

Hey guys, need some professional/expert advice.  This morning when I started my 1963 Cadillac and turned the heat on, all it would do is blow out cool air from the lower (floor) vent. If I switched…Continue

Air Conditioning/Heater issue

Started Oct 11, 2017 0 Replies

Hey guys, need some professional/expert advice.  This morning when I started my 1963 Cadillac and turned the heat on, all it would do is blow out cool air from the lower (floor) vent. If I switched…Continue

Speedometer to Transmission connection

Started this discussion. Last reply by 3gk350qap28u3 Aug 8, 2017. 8 Replies

I currently have my '63 in getting some seals/gaskets replaced that dried out as a result of the car not being driven enough. (I really need to get it out more).  The mechanic mentioned that there is…Continue


Doug Meloan's Page

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Doug Meloan replied to Jason Edge's discussion Dino Waiting on Battery!
"The battery looks great Jason!  I appreciate knowing about Jim's Battery Manufacturing, as I need one for my '61!  I hope t see Dino some day, it looks amazing in the photos!! - Doug   "
Feb 5, 2023

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1963 Cadillac Coupe DeVille

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At 2:09am on January 7, 2013, Doug Meloan said…

Russell,  Sorry I am just now getting back to you but I have been out of the loop for the past several months. My mom became ill and passed away the week before Christimas.

Thank you for the nice comments on my 63'.  I have owned the car for over 20 years and have done some work to it about every year since then.  I did have it repainted back in 1993? by a local body shop.  I don't remember what type of paint they used, but I remember him commenting that they had to paint the car in sections as the paint would start to dry to fast.  It still looks great nearly 20 years later.  The interior I had redone about the same time by a local auto upholsterer.  We were able to obtain original fabric from SMS auto fabrics.  He did a fantastic job in replicating the exact original design down to the correct stitching and piping.  The only thing I changed was I used vinyl instead of leather for the white part as I did not want it to yellow like the original did, and also it was less expensive at the time and I was on a tight budget.  It still looks brand new also.  The engine I had rebuilt in 2005 and detailed the engine bay at the time.  Satin black is correct for this area and not gloss black.  I bought the correct Cadillac blue engine paint for the areas where it would be blue. Fortunately since the car was all original when I purchased it, I was able to know what areas were painted what color, etc... I had the chrome bumpers re-chromed when I had the car painted, and this year had the door window switch chrome plates re-chromed as they were slightly pitted. They came out looking like new.  I want to have the steering wheel redone next as it has some cracking.  I got an estimate to do it correctly and looking at about a grand for that so it is temporarily on the back burner. 

Regarding the garage. I have a very understanding wife, but I usually keep one of the old Cadillacs at a self storage unit and one at home so that she can put her car (2012 SRX) in the garage.  I switch the 63' and 71' our depending on which one I am driving or puttering around with.  The 71' is a real cream puff and all original with only 36,000 miles on it so it is in showroom like condition. Have fun with you car, it is nice looking and they are real eye turners. I will never be able to part with the 63'  as it is now a part of the family.    Doug

Doug Meloan's Blog

Schizophrenic headlights

Posted on September 15, 2015 at 12:16am 4 Comments

Recently my headlights have been flickering from high beam to low beam in rapid succession, but only periodically.  Also sometimes when I try to turn on brights they won't come on, and then suddenly they may come on and then flick back off, or may stay on.  Autronic Eye is turned off but need some thoughts on what may be causing this.  Bad floor switch?  Short in system?  Doesnt seem to act up until I try to turn on brights, then it is anyone guess what will happen.

AC Delco Spark Plugs

Posted on April 27, 2015 at 5:43pm 6 Comments

Needing to know factory correct spark plug for 1963 Cadillac.  I assume it is either the AC-44 or AC-45 spark plug with the green rings but can someone let me know if this is correct and if so which one?  Thanks, Doug

Issue with one back up light

Posted on January 25, 2015 at 9:19pm 5 Comments

Seems like my 63' is going to test my patience this month. I get one problem solved and another shows up.  Recently I noticed I was not getting any back up lights to come on. With good advice from several of you on this blog forum figured out it was the NSS. Replaced NSS and that seemed to solve the problem, except only one back up light comes on.  Checked the wiring, cleaned the connections, all other lights working correctly, have power to light green wire that connects to back up bulb …


No back up lights

Posted on January 18, 2015 at 12:43am 3 Comments

My back up lights have recently quit working.  I thought perhaps the NSS was the issue so I took it off and inspected it and don't see any broken parts.  I jumpered the pink/black stripe wire to the light green wire to see if they would come on and still no back up lights. (yes, I turned key to on position) Bulbs are fine, fuse is fine.  Any thoughts where to check next?  Thanks, Doug



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Front Fender Mounting Holes

Started by Mark Mata in 1963/64 Cadillac Specific Discussion. Last reply by Mark Mata on Sunday. 5 Replies

Hello Chapter, I had a question on the mounting holes for the front…Continue

1963/64 Cadillac Chapter March 2025 Newsletter Posted

Started by Jason Edge in Newsletters. Last reply by Matti Roth Mar 3. 2 Replies

I have just completed and posted the March 2025, 1963/64 Cadillac Chapter Newsletter to our…Continue

Tags: 1964, Roth, Sedan, de, Ville

Dino Diaries - Feb 28, 2025: What's Good for the Convertible is Good for the Coupe!

Started by Jason Edge in General Discussion. Last reply by Jason Edge Mar 3. 6 Replies

I have made some "factory" upgrades to my 64 Coupe de Ville by installing some options available to my Coupe de Ville such as power vent windows, tilt steering column, am/fm, 3 way rearview mirror,…Continue

Blog Posts

'63 Tailfin Tales

Posted by Mark Mata on February 22, 2025 at 5:00pm 9 Comments

New old stock seat material

Posted by Ray Schick on August 22, 2024 at 6:25pm 2 Comments

I bought this seat material thinking that it’s…


Loud air moving sound within carb with cleaner removed

Posted by Dave Fehrle on March 23, 2024 at 3:23pm 8 Comments

While checking my Carter carb with engine running, I took the air cleaner off and there was a very loud hissing sound of air. I placed a piece of paper over the carb and it didn’t move up or down, is this normal?

Vintage Air AC

Posted by Chase on March 21, 2024 at 5:55am 0 Comments

Hey everyone, has anybody done a Vintage Air AC/Heat setup in their car? I want to bypass the old vacuum setup and go with a Vintage Air Gen 2 model. Before I get started, does anyone have any experience with this? (Which model to go with, do’s and dont’s, etc.) It looks pretty involved. Any and all info/pics would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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