I was out of town in Virginia Beach with my brother picking up a 1964 429 engine and HydraMatic transmission March 20-21 from a 1964 owner doing an LS Swap. This engine was running, and from the video pretty smooth at that. While I have brought in 60 Parts Cars over the last 29 years I do occasionally bring in engines or engine and transmissions if not too far away. I have not documented these engine pickups as well as the parts cars, but would guess I have bought in 4 or 5 engines separately over the years.

A BIG THANK YOU to my brother Randy who helped with straps, lifting, and other heavy work while my left arm remains in a brace for a few weeks post surgery.  He has been on several trips all over to places such as New York, Tennessee, Georgia, and now Virginia and several in North Carolina.

As always I will be going down my Wait List as I peel the goods off the engine. If you are not on my Wait List or just want to check where you are at on the list give me a shout at email jasonedge64@outlook.com. When the externals are removed the long block (core block + all internals + cylinder head) will be up for sale. The good thing with the video is I have proof in the pudding that this big bad 429 was running!

Here is a video the owner sent of engine running and a few picture of the picture and engine and tranny back home.

Running 429

Me on left with Brother Randy on Right. Engine and Tranny Secured down.
Actually easier to lock an entire car down than an engine!

The 2013 Escalade EXT  Et2Brute' did towing duties on this 3 hr, 160 mile trek from Central NC near Raleigh to Virginia Beach in SE part of state. Here is Randy posing with engine at rest stop.

Back Home and a different angle showing the may ways we strapped engine in place.
That is my 2002 Escalade 'Brutus' on far left. He is semi-retired and serves as backup to Et2Brute'!

Cylinder heads removed right away as know they are very in demand items. Left side was very solid and sold to a Chapter Member. And yes, that is an Edelbrock sitting up top... any one need a good running Edelbrock? Ha Ha

Here is another view from the rear at HydraMatic transmission.
For those of you in the know, know the HM transmission was only used in the Series 62, 75 Series (limo) and Commercial Chassis body styles. Most came with the "Buick Borrowed" Turbo HydraMatic... and smaller and lighter transmission most of you Chevy guys called a Turbo 400. 
When introduced Buick called it the Super Turbine 400 ... now that is a cool name.
I refer to them as a HydraMatic or Turbo HydraMatic ... even though my olde Chevy hot rod hearts still beats strong.

And for kicks and grins here is a more over head shot.

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     That engine sounds pretty good.  I don't hear any missing.  Good find for sure.  Take care of the left hand!

Dennis DiBari



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