I'm in the process of installing a stainless steel single exhaust from Classic Exhaust on my '63 Coupe de Ville. I'm running into a mystery regarding my middle exhaust bracket. I have the bracket that goes on the body but I'm missing the piece or pieces that attach the pipe to that body bracket. I've attached a picture of the bracket I have (the pic is taken looking up over the rear axle where the "over the axle" pipe will run). I was hoping someone on this forum would be so kind as to post some pics of their bracket so I can see what's supposed to be there. I've been talking to Jason to see if he could supply me the parts but what he has is different than what I have (see attached picture). The bracket he has is farther up on the pipe (closer to the front of the car) and what I have looks like it would go on the apex of the "over the axle" pipe. Jason thinks that maybe there was a mid-production change. If I could see some pics from other '63's, it would help to determine what I need and it will help to see if other '63 Coupe de Ville's have the same placement as mine or if mine is a weird mid-production change.

Once this mystery is solved, hopefully it'll help others who come across this.

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 Hey Mike, I'm sorry I can't help you with this . I would just like to add I've got the same issue with my 63 SDV, that bracket is missing from my fairly original low milage car. No problem , I  thought , I'll just go take it off my parts car.   Heck it's missing from it too. Deepens the mystery huh?

Hi Mike. Your hanger is on the wrong place. It is not supposed to be there and as you say, you are missing a part. That hanger (the missing part) should be mounted on the chassis. Not near the shock mounting.

I must correct myself. The hanger on my picture is the "front intermediate pipe hanger". According to the Workshop manual. I enclose a picture of the "rear intermediate pipe hanger". It is a bit out of focus, but if you zoom in on the hanger, you can see your part and the location of it. You can easily make it yourself. 


Mike. Picture of one part of the hanger on the right place

Thanks for the pictures, Cees. I'm wondering if my hanger which is on the body is correct. Jason sold me a hanger that attaches to the pipe over the axle and is supposed to fit into that hanger but I can't figure how to attach it to my pipe. The "slit" in rubber on the body mount runs front to back. In order for the hanger to fit in that slot, it'd have to sit across my pipe (see attached with drawn in pipe). I don't know how I'd attach that bracket sitting across the pipe. I hope this makes sense.


That is not the right one. That one is supposed to be mounted to the exhaust at the end of the exhaust. That would be the hanger on the left on my last picture. Do you have a workshop manual? if so take a look on page 10-4 and 10-5. Your picture shows the right place but it must be bent a little bit more towards the framerail. Your has a little bend in it. See my last picture on the far most side. I will make a picture from the page of the manual. On the top of the picture you see the bend in the pipe with a U-clamp. So you need the part that points upwards into the hanger. If you position your exhaust right you cab fabricate something that attaches tot the clamp and slides in into the hanger. I hope i made myself clear. It is difficult to explain it from Dutch into English. Good luck.

Cees - Your explanation is great (and your English is much better than many who's English is their native language SMILES). I thought that my bracket might be a little bent. I'll look at mine compared to yours and that will help me to get mine in correct alignment. It's tough to see the exact orientation of yours in the picture because I have to zoom way in and it gets a little fuzzy when zooming but I think I can glean enough information to place my clamp. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me. 

BTW - Your undercarriage is beautiful. Nice job!

I found 1 picture in the manual that could help you and I made a sketch of what I have in mind of how it could look like. I would say that is easy to make yourself. It is free of copywrite. LOL


Hey Mike. I found in my parts bin the part you need, I think. You can use it as a sort of template. If you want sizes i can measure it up for you. It looks like the sketch i made earlier.

Ahhh! Great picture, Cees. Thanks for sharing. 



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