Ok, short refresher, last dec i relpaced starter w rebuilt from usa parts. and even then, after short runs where i got up to temp, if i shutvcar off, and then tried to start, it would drag heavily a d would not start. 10 min later, it would start fine. At the time, i hv cleaned all grounds, all grounds properly, i wrapped wires withe the heat tape, moved them back from exh manifold, things seemed ok.
Last cupla weeks, same symptom, short rides around town, no problems, always starts, longer rides, if i get gas, car barely starts, sometimes, it doesnt even click, i can just hear a humm, after a time or two. , it will slow turn, then start.
So i got bk under car, notced the black wire had a crack anf i coukd see copper. As a temp fix, i put electric tape on it, applied the heat tape, took out for long ride tonight, 45 min or so at 70, [no vibrations from rear, yeah!!]
Anyway, i got out, got in, no start.
So what testing should i do now, should i try to rewire from ignition key to solenpoid/starter, replace solenoid, what further test can i run that i didnt try in dec. my limited knowledge says heat has something to do with this, sustained heat, not just 2 minutes cross town, but longer rides.other than this recurring headache, car doing good
Timing is at 7.5/8 as suggested to me a while back from here.
my engine runs at 1/4 on the heat gauge,, always,, even at 65. it may drift up the width of the needle past the 1/4 mark at 70 plus, but otherwise,, 1/4. when i turn off the engine, and go in to get the mail or something and when i come back, the heat needle is up but as soon as i get going, it drops back,,,
i will drive it up one day this week to check the battery again,
No where di I see that you replaced the battery cables. They are bad, and you even found cracks in them. Corrosion seeps into the cables through cracks and the exposed ends. Corroded wires cause high resistance. High resistance = low amp draw. Heat only makes it worse.
Change your battery cables and you will be a happy man.
I miss lead you on the cables. They were all replaced when i changed battery back in january. What i fould was the black wire that comes from the starter/solenoid, dnt remeber exacly now, but it goes up along withe the other wires that go into the fire wall and i presume into the ignition key. Just a guess there, but that is the wire, not the battery wire cables. The cable from battery to statrer was also replaced in jauary.
ok, back to this,,
as I stated above, the battery cables were replaced back in January, the grounds were all cleaned and put back.
I took the car to the auto store and they ran test on battery and starting system, both registered at 100 %.
I did a lot of reading on heat on the starter on several of the chevy forums and just car talk in general to see where people were going and if this was common.
It seems it is common, and remedies have been from putting one of the blankets on the starter, to replacing just the solenoid, to using some sort of remote solenoid from Ford, even on chevy cars, i guess they have better heat resistance. some wrap there headers to stop heat, but i read somewhere that that causes the header to deteriorate quicker so i dont want to do that. some of the blanket wraps worked, most seemed not to, and in the end, went to part replacement,,,, some carry a three foot wire to jump off the starter, some keep a water squirt bottle in the car to spray on the starter, solenoid to cool it down...Many, in fact, replaced with reman starters and still had the problems, theory being, no one knew how many times the starter had been re manufactured of the years and the internal parts had just lost there ablitliy to do what they needed to do, despite the rebuild... I'm guessing they are new starters designed to fit older cars.
I took the car to bozeman yesterday,, ran just fine.. but after the 1hr 15 minute drive, i turned off the car, and tried to start immediately, and it was dead. hour later, started right up..
so what exactly does heat affect, the starter, or the solenoid,, what is being handicapped, or is it both,
So given that i have tested the battery, the battery cables are less than year, and no apparent corrosion has gotten on them,,at least visibly, i have wrapped the wiring in heat wraps, and moved away from exh manifold as far as the wires will move. i dont know what else to check,,,
Do i re wire, or do i replace the solenoid, or find one of those modern starters,, or do one of the remote solenoids,,,.. if its a starter, who would have a starter like that, jegs didnt an summit said they didnt.. so I'm wondering if one is available.
the car is running good, but this is a real pain not to be able to turn off the car, get a coke in the store and then come out and not start,,
I have a 64 starter for the Turbo Hydromatic.
email me at russ85747@hotmail.com
depends,,,, on how long i have been driving the car,
if i drive up to temp,, what maybe 10 minutes,, get out and in,,,it may do a couple slow slow turns and then fire off.
if i got for extended ride,, 20 to 30 min, it will just make a funny clik noise, and do nothing,, 30 minutes later.. it will start..
Kim if everything is right I would go back recheck and clean your battery, starter and ground connections. If it's still doing it you could try to increase the size of the cables to the starter and the ground.
are there any connection specific specifications that attach to the wires that attach to the starter,, i just used the ones out of those connection kits where you get about 10 donut connectors for each size of wire,,,,
is there a specific type of connector other than those generics that I should be using....
I had the same problem and I did the following: I Made sure the engine was tuned and timed correctly - I Use only 91 octane, or above, non ethanol , fuel and a good quality fuel octane booster at every other fill up, This cured my problem. In addition a few weeks later, just for extra reliability, I installed a high torque gear reduction starter and that completely solved all my starting problems.
Were did u get the starter?. I use 91 and 92 fuel w mmo im tuned at 7.5 timing. The car seems to be running just fine besides this. Go8ng out to ck connections and grounds now
Well, i hvnt chaged wiring, so if its wrong, it would have been prior to me. I will say on cold start. It is immediate and strong. I just replaced this starter in january, solenoid too, from usaparts.
Went it doesnt start at all, its almost like a dead battery sound. Just a sort of grunt soumd. If i wait ten or 15 minutes,, its a two or three slow rolls, then takes off, if i wait an hour or so, its almost like a cold start, a strong turn over. Only way i kmow how to describe it. As it cools, it gets syronger on the start
Tony, i will ck battery tomorrow. and to anyone who wants to listen,,Here is a you tube of what it sounds like after about 15. 20 minute ride..i took this this evening. i know that when i bought the battery, it was the one that was recommended when i went to the autoshop store
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