March 19, 1964 - Date My 1964 Coupe DeVille Was Built

With the count down to my cars 50 year birthday on March 19, 2014 I thought I would post the build sheet.  I've also got an original sales slip I will scan later and post but thought I would start with the build sheet.

You can get these from the GM Heritage Center, but the ones you get today have all the Cadillacs before and after yours blocked out. I much prefer mine showing the cars that came directly before and after mine and the options they were equipped with.

Double click the link below to enlarge and see the details.

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Comment by Dennis P. DiBari on February 23, 2025 at 7:08pm

Very nice story Jason about Dino!

Dennis DiBari

Comment by Jason Edge on February 23, 2025 at 6:28pm

This was posted separately but wanted to also post on this blog with info about Dino:

I love discovering new thing old things about my 64 Coupe de Ville. I bought the car on Nov 13, 1996 from Robert Jessup who lived in Raleigh, NC. The car had some unique early history having first being purchased by Sally Knowlden at McKellar's Cadillac in DeBary, Florida on April 25, 1964. Mrs. Knowlen passed away within a couple of years, and was purchased by Robert Jessup, who would keep it as their family car from Dec 16, 1966 until I purchased it in 1996.  (For more details Click Here.)

Robert's son, Steven had shared stories and information of growing up and riding in the Coupe de Ville ... his family car. He has also share letters and literature regarding the car passed on to him from his late father. 

Yesterday, Steven said he found this Transfer Registration from March 14, 1967 and shared with me.  In the info Steven had previously provided (and noted in link above), he indicated they bought the car through their uncle who was a car dealer in Sanford, Florida. 

Probably boring stuff for most, but I get excited to find new old documentation on Dino!

Comment by Jason Edge on March 12, 2016 at 9:02pm

I received some really neat additional early history information on my 1964 CDV from the prior owners son, Steve Jessup, at our Eastern NC CLC Meetup at Thompson Cadillac in Raleigh, NC. I remember Steve's dad, Robert Jessup telling me that the Coupe DeVille was a fantastic car for any one with kids, as they could ride safely in the back seat with no rear doors to open. I was great talking to one of the kids that grew up riding in the back of my Coupe DeVille and could tell me first hand stories.  

Here is the additional information Steve shared with me just a while ago via email regarding their family Coupe DeVille, and a screen capture I took of the obituary of the original owner:

My father purchased the car December 16,1966 rather than in 1965 so it had a bit more history before we got it.  This was through my uncle who was a car dealer in Sanford, FL.  He indicated he got it as part of an estate sale.

 I guess you are right that Ms. Knowlden decided she didn't like the two-tone and had the top repainted. 

Here is a link to her obituary I found online:

Note she died about 3 months before we got her car.  

As I recall, the car had approximately 18,000 miles on it in December of '66.

Found some service records showing dates and mileage while Ms. Knowlden had the car:

06-25-64     1,663 miles.
08-18-64     4,631 
10-27-64     7,578
01-12-65     9,128
03-04-65    10,071
07-07-65    12,302
12-07-65    14,534

No records found from that point on until we got the car.

(The August 18, 1964 entry shows the car was serviced in Plattsburgh, NY.)   

Found some old notes my father made.  They indicate the purchase price in 1966 was $2,800 + $56 tax and $3 title fee.  (My, have things changed!)

Comment by Jason Edge on March 19, 2014 at 8:28am

Well, today's my Caddy's 50th birthday and I'll be taking Dino out for a birthday spin in a bit!  I don't think he will care for cake but some 93 premium with a full bottle of octane booster might hit the spot!

Yordanis, you are referenced in the newsletter and thank you again for turning me on to the original seller's daughter! Jason.

Comment by Jason Edge on February 9, 2014 at 10:08pm

While I have this thread pulled up again here is the link to the GM Heritage Center to get your build list and other info if interested:

GM Heritage Center (for build list, spec manual, etc, for your car)

Comment by Jason Edge on January 20, 2014 at 9:24pm
That would be really cool. I'm saving all of this info on my car and appreciate your help. The backstory on my car has expanded a lot today.
Comment by Jason Edge on January 20, 2014 at 4:07pm

Just received this nice email back from daughter of owner of Mckellar Dealership:

Hi Jason
Thank you for your recent email regarding the 64 Cadillac and it was great seeing the original owner sales slip.
My Dad took over the dealership as his Father deceased in 1964. His Father first started out with Packard's had a dealership downtown Orlando, Florida on the corner of Orange Ave and Central which later became a Cadillac Dealership. There were only 3 Cadillac Points in Florida. McKellar (Orlando) Braymer (Miami) and Noland (Daytona and Jacksonville).
The New McKellar Cadillac Dearlership was relocated to Orange Ave and Garland in Orlando overlooking the new I-4 Corridor  and Lake Ivanhoe. The Property was sold to the State 2 years ago for I-4 usage is just vacant land now as the buildings were torn down.
I hope this information helped you.
We were known for the Best Service in Florida.
The Son (Dad) deceased in 1969. Cadillac would not allow Women to be owners so Cadillac was forcing my Mom to sell she took to the Supreme Court but lost. The dealership was sold to Buddy Braun in 1979. Mr. Braun lost the dealership in Receivership bankruptcy) in November 26, 1991.
I would doubt any of the Old Service Records are still around.
Comment by Jason Edge on January 20, 2014 at 11:35am

That's cool additional info. I thought some of you down in FL might know something about the dealership!  I'll have to save this with my info on the car. Might even have to try and contact Massey Cadillac sometime and see if they kept any old service records. I doubt it but would not hurt. If you note on the Build List my car had the painted aspen white top, but Robert Jessup indicated it was all bahama sand (as it was when I bought it in 1996) when he bought it the next year sometime in 1965.   I'm guessing the original owner didn't like the white top with bahama sand body and had it top repainted...maybe even at McKellar (now Massey) Cadillac.  

Comment by Jason Edge on January 19, 2014 at 3:04pm

Here is the Original Sales Receipt. It was briefly owned by Sally Knowlden of DeBary, FL, then purchased by Steven Jessup of Raleigh, NC and would be used as a family, then garage kept until I bought it in on November 13, 1996.    You can read the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey would say, in the January 2013 edition of the CLC Self Starter.


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