while out for a cruise and to a car show, i was heading home, car started sputtering,, would go, then no feel ing of gas, would go a while, then sputter .  i started thinking of quickest way home with out to many stops,  got about 6 blocks and it died.   

it sounded or felt like a car does when you run out of gas, but, that is not possible as I just put gas in it about 2 hours earlier, so i have half a tank, but that is the feeling,,   sputtering, then go, then sputter some more, then go,, then died,

walked home, going back in the truck see if i can get it started with some fuel in carb and sputter it home,

it is not running hot, no other particular symptom.  

would his be most likely fuel pump or blocked fuel filter,, ??

anyway, thought on the above while i go and try to get er home.. I'm just glad i did nt suffer embarrassment of it croaking at the car show as i drove through, but then again,, some one there may have known what it was,, oh well,, 

old cars i guess

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Check your fuel sediment bowl for possible water in the gas. Lots of rain in your area lately  and service station tanks do sometimes get water in them.  Just a suggestion, it happened to me once.

thanks,, will ck,, we have have some rain down here in MS...

as a follow up, i walked home, got some gas, drove back to car,  tried to turn it over, and it fired right up, drove home quickly with no notice of sputter  WTH!!!     let car sit a while, thumped the filter, its a metal one.. and was going to replace with the glass bowl one, but engine was still hot.   anyway, after sitting a while, i turned it on, fired back up, idled for a few minutes, began to run a little rough,  i got out my timing light to see if something was off there, nothing there, still at 5.  going to let it sit, try it again, take it around block, see what happened.. still looking for additional thoughts if water is not culprit,

Tony, i chged it out to clear glass oem.  Bulb is full,  i removed an put back that filter at carb a while back, remember it being frail-lish.  Im gonne see if our parts guys here hv a replacemnet.  No clue as to tank other than, its a well maintained exterior , and prior owner was one family since 63.  And was driven simewhat regulalerly.  Not sitting for years, if that matters.  

I did read some prior postings on similar condition.  I hv chged filtercan outvriding   will see if filter chg helped

Seemed ok.  Didnt note any sputtering on this effort.  Want to take on a strait stretch for 1o or 15 miles,   but dnt want to get stranded.

On anothr note, my hood insulation has recently come out,  coukd the lack of insulation generate excessive heat around the carb that coukd cause this,  if indeed it reappears,  

will do,, nice weather next few days, so will get under an see whats there

Thanks again

ok back to this issue, the stalling, sputtering, 

i checked hoses as suggested,, rubber ones do look a bit tattered and rough,  i did see the overflow hose as well, it goes up, then curls back downward,, it too was a bit rough.  will get to those after the axle change.

the other night, maybe last night, i took car out circling town on the by passes to keep as a steady push on the pedal to see if i could get a sputter or a stall.. drove for 45 minutes and not one sputter or stall,, i figured it was fixed.

today, took for several 20  30 minute rides, no problem.  

then, out of nowhere i got stuck in traffic, and the heat gauge started to move and ti started sputtering,,, as the temp dropped back to 1/4,, it seemed to settle down and stop.  under normal driving, my temp gauge stayes on the 1/4 mark,, however, if i get stuck in traffic, the heat will move towards the 1/2,, but it never gets to more than half between the 1/4 and 1/2.  an that is when it seems to start the sputtering and stalling.  now this didnt seem to happen until i pulled out the insulation that was sagging out.  so  could that lack of insulation be causing some sort of heat build up around the carburetor.  its the only correlation i can make,  but then again, I'm still in mechanic school for idiots,   so what i think doesnt really count much

Ok.  I saw that video w the heat gun, and i have seen that part under the car.  Will chk it out

Back to this problem

over last few days, i have been driving the car pretty regularly, no problems with this sputter and spitting, i got hood insulation in.  

last night, on a some what extended run of about 30 minutes , it started again to sputter,  was going about 55 or so, then just cut out, for about 3 seconds,  i stepped on it and it picked back up and i could feel a very light missing action,, just didnt seems to be running right, and then, it would do an extended sputter,  

so today,  i checked the video again to make sure i was looking at it right, i put a stick on the weight post of the heat riser, and it was operating what seemed like freely.   got the car going took for about 10 minute ride downtown, engine temp got to 1/4  where it usually runs. and then went home to check,, the weight post was down near the bottom position where it should be, according to the video..  I did not notice any of the light sort of putter that occurred last night, its kind of hard to describe.  its like its just not hitting on all 8,, but very subtle,,but when i get that sort of feeling in the car, the big sputter is usually not to far off..but it doesnt do it all the time.    I makes me not confident i can take an extended drive,, 

I put in the clear fuel filter and it is full while the car is running.   Soooooo,,

any other ideas on what may be causing this sputter,, ??

Kim, I'm with Tony on this; I think your problem is fuel delivery issue, esp since  you say it feels like running out of gas and a restriction would tend to show up while driving esp the faster you go. Have you checked for debris or clog going into fuel pump? How old is the pump? When you get low on gas , drain the tank . I'd rap on the bottom of the tank while it's draining. See what you get. Easier than removing if it looks OK. Just my thoughts on this.


well, the fuel filter is clear,  dont know about fuel pump age,, i guess will get the hoses and consider replacing them.

Is there a drain for the fuel tank, ?  i dont remember seeing one when i was under there,,,

i took it out today for a high speed ride  55 -to 70 mph for 10 to 15 miles, didnt have problem, but did encounter other headaches that i posted over on my brake problem topic from while ago.

I put petronix in back in nov.

Plugs replaced after gas in engine problem bk in sept.

Sputter feels like running out of gas.  About 2 second delay in power.  I hit gas , it pulls out if it. Other times, its just like the word sputter sounds, just a quick sort of a series losses of power that either correct or lead into a longerdelay.  Odd thing is, its not every time i go out, and i cnt isolate the or duolicate the condition. 

You mean the wires to spark pug wires?  No. Not new

No idea on the carb



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