When I pull a parts car in it comes off the car hauler until I am ready to remove the under-carriage. At that time it goes back up so the front stuff (wheels, upper & lower control arms, steering, etc.) can be removed then dropped down on the frame; then the rear stuff (gas tank, rear end assembly, etc.) come out and it is dropped flat on the car hauler. At that point it is ready to say bye-bye and go to the metal yard.  All junk metal goes back in the car and sold with the rest of what is left (frame and body) as metal.

As of yesterday parts car #60, a 1964 Series 62 Six Window Sedan, was pulled back on the car hauler... so you can say the parts car fat lady is at least clearing her through!   This car had some serious body panel rust but almost certain this was close to the 60K on the odometer this rough looking car had some really great parts!  Sort of a good feeling to get past the current parts car, and it frees up some space around my place. 

Here are a couple of shots loading it up yesterday:

Below you can see it had been blocking my 64 Coupe de Ville Dino. With it up on the car hauler and moved to far right I can get the 64 back out on the road!

And up on the Car Hauler. I have had this tilt bed, car hauler since 2004. I have had to do some minor repairs but it has been fantastic, pulling in many pars car. The hydraulic tilt bed seems to something you don't see on many of them these days.  

One thing I am looking forward to is a bit wider driveway and workspace. As part of my project of replacing a 28 year old split rail fence I am putting up a 6 foot vinyl & metal privacy fence, and took out a very large overgrown row of needle point holly bushes.  When I am done the rock and pavered driveway will extend to the left.   I have already told my wife Cheryl, when this is done no more parking in front of the middle garage bay. I am looking forward to the day I can just walk out to that garage, get in Dino, fire him up, and drive out and where ever I want to go! At least that is my plan!

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Jumped out at the car at 7am, pulled the wheels (tires and rims) off front, removed front brake lines but got side tracked installing the next 8 foot of privacy fence up. I am now just 4 feet from the end at the front!

This has been another time consuming project but am  doing all the work myself and my way using metal inserts in every post.

Here is a picture just have the two 80-lb bag concrete pour checking the level. I will glue the cap on and push rocks and dirt up to it in a few hours and this section is done. 



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