Marlina, Thanks for the story on your 64 Caddy. We definitely need to do a newsletter feature write up on it at some point. I am not sure you would know this but the CLC just signed a contract with the Nugget Hotel & Casino in Reno NV to host our 2027 Grand National May 15-27, 2027!
Make sure your calendar is clear that week and plan to bring the Caddy and your husband!
Hi Marlina,
Welcome aboard and I love your Cadillac! Great car.
Dennis DiBari, Cottekill, NY
Hi Marlina. Welcome to the 63/64 Cadillac Chapter Website. Be sure to tell us a bit about your 64 Coupe de Ville when you get a chance. Jason.
Started by Jason Edge in General Discussion 5 hours ago. 0 Replies 0 Likes
I was thinking or rotating member 63's and 64's up in the header and used Mark Geertsma's 1963 Sedan de Ville as a test car. It gets a little grainy making the picture that small, but not too bad.…Continue
Started by Michael Stinson in 1963/64 Cadillac Specific Discussion. Last reply by Dennis P. DiBari 12 hours ago. 6 Replies 0 Likes
Greetings Everyone. I read a discussion thread about "radiator and related", covering coolant overflow. Has anyone fitted an overflow reservoir / bottle to their 64 Cadillac? Is there if a…Continue
Started by allen dilley in 1963/64 Cadillac Specific Discussion. Last reply by Dennis P. DiBari 14 hours ago. 5 Replies 0 Likes
My 63 Park Avenue has a leak at the differential. My accomlished, experienced, and reliable mechanic has never replaced a seal of this type. I have a pinion seal and differential gasket. I also…Continue
Tags: Replacement, Seal, Pinion
Started by Michael Monson in 1963/64 Cadillac Specific Discussion. Last reply by Jason Edge 18 hours ago. 3 Replies 0 Likes
The rear main seal on my 1964 Deville was replace about a year ago with the Best Branded one from Caddy Daddy. Leaks were immediate and my mechanic was concerned about the gasket from the start. …Continue
Posted by Chase on March 12, 2025 at 2:05pm 13 Comments 0 Likes
Hey guys,
I have installed the same Edelbrock carb and have done everything the same as Jason’s carb and intake project. In the spring and summer months the car starts, runs and idles great! In the fall and winter months on a cold start, the car starts awful and wants to die until it warms up. I have to keep my foot on the throttle until it warms up or it will idle just terrible and try to die. Once it’s warm, it runs fantastic! Whats going on here? I was thinking of removing the…
ContinuePosted by Ray Schick on August 22, 2024 at 6:25pm 2 Comments 0 Likes
I bought this seat material thinking that it’s…
Posted by Dave Fehrle on March 23, 2024 at 3:23pm 8 Comments 1 Like
While checking my Carter carb with engine running, I took the air cleaner off and there was a very loud hissing sound of air. I placed a piece of paper over the carb and it didn’t move up or down, is this normal?
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