I also have a fan shroud for sale. I don't want to take any customers from Jason or Russ, so I won't underprice anything they might sell. But I would like to help anyone needing this; instead of it  just sitting in my parts car trunk. Has some surface rust and is dirty,but would clean up nice,no dents or damage. $50.00 plus shipping My email is r.shannon94@yahoo.com

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Comment by Jason Edge on January 24, 2017 at 9:12am

Robert, This is your own post. Russ' posted in another thread.  The only thing I would suggest is to post to our "for sale" forum instead a message blog as you have posted here. Just go to www.forsale.6364cadillac.com (or click on the Forums drop down in header) and click the +Add icon to add your new entry. Two reasons to post in the For Sale Forums is I direct everyone to look for things for sale at www.forsale.6364cadillac.com and forums are much more versatile than Blogs in that you can do nested replies, different types of groupings (e.g. for sale vs wanted), etc. Wherever you advertise it here is fine, as long as it is your own post (which again this is) and I will be glad to direct those on my Wait List to your post.

Comment by Robert Alan Shannon on January 24, 2017 at 12:24am

Thank Russ

Comment by Robert Alan Shannon on January 23, 2017 at 11:07pm

Thank you Russ and Jason. My only confusion is did I start my separate post or did I step on Russ? I won't undercut on price on this forum. I have 1 parts car and could use a little extra.

Comment by Jason Edge on January 23, 2017 at 10:12pm

Just a few comments to clear things up:
- Every member of the 1963/64 Cadillac Website is not only allowed, but encouraged to post items they have for sell in our for sale forum at www.forsale.6364cadillac.com. Likewise, we encourage members to post "wanted" items in our wanted forum at www.wanted.6364cadillac.com

- While the site is hosted by the CLC 1963/64 Cadillac Chapter, and I serve as Chapter Director and Webmaster for this site, I do not consider it as my site, but "our site!".

- The one rule we have regarding selling is if someone posts something for sale, then that is their post. If you have a similar item to sell please feel free to create your own listing. If 5 members have say 5 fan shrouds to sell, then all are encouraged to post them for sale, especially a hard to find item like that. This is a win-win for everyone as we help keep our cars on the road and you put a bit of money in your pocket.

- On the other hand, if someone posts a "wanted" listing, it is fair game for all that have the item to chime in. If someone post they need a particular part and 5 members have one for sale they are all free to let that member know they have one and the price they will take for it. I think Russ is referring to the fact we generally take it a step further in that we don't try to undercut each other if someone say post that they need something. Sometimes, however, we each know we might have a better sample and again it is fair game. 

- to really take it a step further, since I have been selling 63/64 Cadillac parts  for 20+ years from 4 dozen parts cars and have accumulated a very long list of customers on my Wait List for certain in demand items, I will often do a blind copy email to all when I see that item posted here on the website 'for sale' forum. For me that is a win-win. I saw Russ post he had a fan shroud and knew I had 10 customers looking for one so I directed them to the listing. I do that for all members, especially those member that may not have the vast amount of parts that Russ and I have on hand.

So, in summary please post your "for Sale" items... this is our website and hope everyone feels free to use the "for sale" and "wanted" forums. Jason.

Comment by Robert Alan Shannon on January 23, 2017 at 9:39pm

Russ if I offended, that was not my intent. Noticed a wait list and want it to go where needed. I would appreciate you explaining to me what you mean by gentleman's agreement so this doesn't happen again.by e-mail please.


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