got call from shop today, the gasket around the oil filter adapter (???) was leaking and needs replace. It apparently was independent of the oil pump 4 screw gasket that they replaced. so i went out to see what he was talking about. Now i dont have the manual in front of me, but its the part, apparently that holds the oil filter, there is a gasket at top and bottom of this part, he had it off ,so i called around a bit, fel pro didnt have it so they sent me to EGGE,, they had two gaskets, i am assuming they are correct from my description, and i told him to just send both, but my question is, if i were to search some more on some of the online sites, what would i be searching for as a description in the search,, what would the searchable term be.
Kim , I see them online 63 Cadillac 390 oil filter support. Also see one of them from EGGE cheap at $1.24. Sure they'd have them both HTH
YEs,, egge had them,, but his "Term" of the piece was different from the one the shop guy gave me, i gave them the description of where the part was, and that is the part he gave me, said he had an upper an lower, s o i just got both, at 1.24 your price confirms i probably got the right ones,, i hope,, thanks of the info.
I have the gaskets if you still are looking. 2.50 each per gasket. email me at
i got the car back to day,,,, the gaskets suggested for the support adapter did ok, no leaks, i also had the oil pump cover gasket replaced,, and when i got home,, leaking awful,, so, i guess they didn't check it too good before i got it,
anyway, i called the guy out, said the one they took out, he thought was a metal type gasket with rubber, and the one i had him put in with the rebuild kit was paper, i told him i had no idea, but would ck around.
so i got on phone, to fell pro and egge,, egge had one, by it self, it also appears in this gasket set i got above, there are two, one for 63 engines before a certain serial number, and 63 after a certain serial number, both companies had paper gasket, not the ones describe by tech at shop,,
so were would the serial number on the engine be located to determine which is the correct one. and additionally, for those who have changed this gasket, was your s a paper gasket, ? and what was the steps taken to secure,, was any permetex used?? or other sealing/adhesive?
Definitely need some sealant Sam. Your serial number is part of your vin, check the help section.
Did they use some old 390's in the 63s?
Yes, 390 one year model i think if ibread correctly. Woukd the black permatex. Or copper be sufficient?
Any high temp gasket maker will work.
Well, im going to try to fix this, its looks like its just 4 bolts, he said there were no wear marks on the face plate.
I may hv asked b4, but, when i pull that cover, oil will release. Will any gears or springs come firing out or will it just be an oil hemorage.
Some one said i need to prime from the neck. Does that mean i need to undo the filter adapter that i just had repaired and gaskets replaced, or is the another spot that the neck is referring to.
I found this from a previous post I had made regarding the oil pump priming from Russ.
"The oil pump end plate gasket change is straight forward remove 4 bolts and change the gasket. The gears will fall out, so be mindful of that.
YOU MUST REFILL THE OIL PUMP WITH OIL after you reinstall the endcap. Remove the oil filter end and fill through there."
my question is exactly where do i put the oil in,, do i put it in the filter, or as i mentioned above do i take the oil filter adapter off or just the top end of the adapter where it attached at the top and pour in from there,, Im just not sure were to prime the pump from.
The shop manual says to fill the oil filter support bracket passages with oil before mounting it back on. So at the top of bracket ,then mount it back on.HTH
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