I had brought up the topic of radiator leaks as a discussion topic for our Chapter Zoom meet-up this past Sunday and thought I would share on our website for everyone and probably do a more formal write up later on.

SO THE SUNDAY BEFORE LAST, me, my wife Cheryl and our Yorkie Presley took a spin down to local frozen custard shop. my 64 Coupe de Ville 'Dino' was running good but Cheryl noticed a bit of steam or misting from under the hood. It was not running hot, in fact just above the 1/4 marks as always. 

BACKING UP A BIT, I had noticed some leaking around the now old radiator hoses and those Tower Clamps. Tower clamps were original, but only allow so much tightening (unlike worm gear clamps), and I had tightened most to the max and still saw a bit of the green after long drives and figured it was time for new hoses and to go back with some of my better cad plated clamps. I also saw some dripping around the drain valve. I have plenty of those, so no big deal.

BUT RECENTLY I saw what looked like some seepage from the lower edge of the upper tank at a solder seam.. nut since it was beneath the cap, not sure again if it was a physical leak. 

NOW BACK HOME AFTER THE "STEAMING" ENGINE BAY,  I fired it up and saw intermittent mists of steam blowing out from the cooling fan air flow. I then looked at the rear of the radiator through the fan shroud and fan blades and saw IT IS LEAKING FROM THE CORE! 


I BROUGHT THIS UP AS A DISCUSSION TOPIC, in our zoom meet-up as I really hadn't done much research, and there was a good discussion regarding repairing, replacing the core (recoring), and old school shops still around that provided the recore service.  I also shared the current listings of radiator service shops listed in this past month's Hemmings Motor News.  A couple of members suggested local shops. Roy Brosi even checked with a local shop the next day and is waiting on pricing.

LOCAL SHOP TO THE RESCUE! For over 100 years there had been a Sapps Radiator Shop in the Raleigh/Garner area but remember they had closed at some point. Someone said they had reopened under a new name. Google quickly determined they were doing business under the name Holmes Welding and Radiator Service.... and here is the kicker... only 3 miles from me!  I have had and sold a few pretty decent used Harrison 3-row original radiators over the years but right now I only had one that looks like it may be leaking and needs the core replaced.

So, yesterday I headed to Holmes Radiator with that extra radiator in hand, and had a very positive experience with the owner Leroy Holmes, who has 40+ years experience, and is someone that definitely knows their way around these old radiators. He immediately started spouting of specs and facts that made me know I was in good hands. He ask me to give him a couple of hours so he could check ordering the cost and get a final cost back to me.   

He called back and said $787 and it would be like new! I was actually thinking (& hoping) $700 to $800.  I know this is not 1980 and you are not going to get this done for a couple of Benjamins like you could 40 years ago.  I also knew I would have spent more to stay original ... but really, really didn't want to go much over $1000!  I gave him the green light, and he said he would order the new replacement core and should have it completed by next week. 

Since it has been a while since I have done any real restoration or repairs on Dino, I will share this as  I go along on the website forums, and put together a tech tip article for future newsletter, and add radiator related information to our Help Page and Parts & Service page. I will wait to get my radiator back before I add Holmes Radiator to our Parts & Service page, but have a good feeling about this.

Stay tuned for more!  Below are a few quick pictures to accompany the write-up above.  Jason. 

Dino's Radiator Leak from back facing side of radiator! Not good!

Top Section at front bottom of upper tanks seems to be springing a leak!

Here is the original Harrison 3-Row Radiator I dropped off at Holmes Radiator Yesterday

Here is this months listing of Radiator Service Shops in the Nov 2024 Issues of Hemmings Motor News. This was shared in our Zoom Meet-Up Sunday.

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I went ahead and inserted the 4 pictures you had sent into your reply. 
The radiator looks fantastic!

Roy, That looks great.   It is always a good feeling to make those improvements and upgrades on our old Cadillacs. I look forward to getting mine installed!

Here is your picture inserted into the reply area with a bit of shadow removed:

I added Leonard's radiator to our Parts & Service page. I will add Holmes Radiator after I get mine back assuming it is also a quality rebuild/recore!

Thanks again Jason for your help with the photos. Obviously, my reply skills are still a work in progress.

I did want to note that in the before photos of both of our radiators you can see the separation at the top corners. According to Ken (owner/operator at Leonard's) the thin trim strip down each side does not adequately support the core horizontally (side to side), so, over time, the outer row begins to shift and often develop small splits in the down tubes. A close-up look at the after shot on my radiator shows the "C channel" he has added to each side for strength. He soldered these at all 4 corners, then reinstalled the original plates (with overflow clips).
It's not original, and probably not good for cars that are show cars. I can't remember who it was on the last call that referred to their car as a 10 foot car (looks good at 10 ft.) Mine is kind of more of a 50/50 car (looks good at 50 yards going 50 mph), so the increased durability is probably ok.

I've judged our cars many times at the CLC Grand Nationals and would not deduct any points. As long as it is the original style radiator, we are not going to get that picky.  If you show up with a bright aluminum radiator or something clearly aftermarket you would lose points on authenticity. You have to remember we also look at "workmanship" & "condition", so you can show up in an absolutely original radiator and looks more points if it is cruddy and leaking.
Speaking of the C  Channel, my guy did not mention it as an option and would have probably opted for it also if it were offered. Hopefully mine will be good to go for many years.

Thanks, Jason. I'm not well informed on the judging aspects and suspect I wouldn't lose a trophy because of the radiator, there are far more deductions available. (Does anyone give "survivor bonus points"?

Ken at Leonard's did quote an aluminum radiator at about $450 +tax. Based on his description it would be very obvious. Shiny aluminum and squared off corners.

Filled the coolant system last night, no static leaks. Warmed it up today, verified good thermostat opening, then took it through the park. Still no leaks. Also noted the three row is cooling better than the two row, as expected. I wasn't towing a trailer and it was only 60F, but, the thermometer didn't even make it to the 1/4 mark.
That's clearly better than similar conditions previously.
I'm declaring victory. Thanks again for the community and the support.

That is fantastic.  I will be going through this process in the near future!  I am going to clean up a bit and paint a few things here and there. I thought I had the shroud sanded pretty good (150, then 220 then 320 grit wet sand) but did it all in a hurry and primed this morning and would have turned around and top coated with the 1 hr non-wrinkling recoat window, but saw some flakes inside the shroud. It is somewhere no one will ever ever see, but will probably end up sanding it down some more and repriming. Painting and cleaning is why it took me 3 months to rebuild my engine! I am also going to try and get all tower clamps on and not leaking which can be a struggle. I had tower clamps in the top but still using worm gear clamps on the bottom. 

Got my Radiator back from Holmes Radiator here in Garner NC (outside Raleigh) and am very pleased so far. It of course is not in the car, but it has been pressure tested and do not expect any leaks.  I will be a bit slow going installing as I will want to do some cleanup and repainting of some related items. I also just repainted the shroud and will get some pictures.

Here are some pics of the recored & rebuilt radiator:


     It looks great!!!!!!!

Dennis DiBari

Here  are a couple of pictures of my repainted shroud. Note the hanger off one of my parts building. I've hung a lot of painted parts back there since building these buildings a few years ago.  

While I have the radiator and shroud out of the way I have started a bit of cleanup at front of engine and frame doe remove a bit of the dirt and grime hard to get to with these parts in placed. I also replaced the four condenser to side mounting bracket screws and U-Clips last night with freshly cadmium plated fasteners.  See picture below with arrows pointing to these screws & clips.

To me just updating minor things like this is very rewarding ... but I will want to get that radiator back in sooner than later.    There may be a couple other areas to clean up a bit, or address but will probably get that radiator back in soon. I have been completing a big fence project, and picking at the next Newsletter (which I should have out before too long), but trying to set some time aside at night to also pick at "Dino!".

Here is that picture from last night:




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