Yesterday I swapped out my older RH mirror with one of the new ones, and it sure looks good. The one I had is a repro I bought way back, and it still looked good but there is nothing like New Chrome! It reminded me that the RH mirror along with a couple other items is why I got into bringing in the parts cars 20+ years ago. My car came with the dealer installed RH mirror, however, when I bought it in 1996 it only had the base remaining. The prior owner said one of his children had pulled on the arm and broke it off. Back then USA Parts sold them ($129 if memory serves) and bought a replacement. So, here I am 20 years later replacing and upgrading the mirror again, but this time I was able to do a big order and help customers and fellow 63/64 owners. So... here is 'Dino' with RH mirror with the new chrome shine!
Looks good Jason, can't wait for mine to get here.
Thanks for the info on the passenger side mirror. I bough one the other day, and was going to install it.The one that was on the car was old and needed replacing.Just one problem The one i took of ,was attached with two sheet metal screws. The new mirror has no holes to attach to the door . I guess when the car was new, the buyer never went for the option. Any ideas??
Thanks, Chet
Hmm, not sure I understand what you mean. The mirror has one bracket and one hole with a bolt. The mirror will not be fastened by sheet metal screws.
If you don't have the original holes in the door you need to drill new ones. You can follow Jasons rights side mirror fitting and also ask Russ for a copy of his template.
As a side note; The Series 75 and CC used a different door mirror. They were screwed onto the door.
A step drill bit (Harbor Freight has them) makes the smoothest holes in sheetmetal. Starts out small and progressively makes a larger hole. I have planned to make a template by removing the drivers mirror and making a tracing similar to the one in the photo and just reversing it on the passenger door.
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Hey everyone, has anybody done a Vintage Air AC/Heat setup in their car? I want to bypass the old vacuum setup and go with a Vintage Air Gen 2 model. Before I get started, does anyone have any experience with this? (Which model to go with, do’s and dont’s, etc.) It looks pretty involved. Any and all info/pics would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
February 23, 2025 from 7pm to 8:30pm – Zoom
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