My 63 Park Avenue has a leak at the differential.  My accomlished, experienced, and reliable mechanic has never replaced a seal of this type. I have a pinion seal and differential gasket.  I also purchased a reprinted shop manual for 1963 Cadillacs. He is concerned about torque needed in  tightening  the pinion nut so that it was the same as before disasembly. We would greatly appreciate advice and/or  knowledge of videos,tecniques for the  successful removal, replacement of the pinion seal.

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Hi Allen,

     This might help.  After removing the nuts off the universal joints and prying back the drive shaft out of the way, the pinion flange and nut will be exposed.  Before removing the nut and then using the puller to remove the flange and eventually take out the seal, use marking paint (white out fluid) to make a vertical line all the way down the flange (from top to bottom), including over the gear end so it goes back the same vertical way.  Also mark which side is UP somewhere on the flange.  Most important is that you COUNT the threads exposed BEFORE you remove the nut with an impact gun.   Use the puller to remove the flange.  After pulling the pinion seal and replacing it, put the flange back with marks lined up and use the impact gun to slowly tighten the nut to the EXACT number of exposed threads.  The torque should be the same as when you removed it.  If I missed something, ask Jason Edge and he will fill in anything I missed.

Dennis DiBari Cottekill, NY

The shop manual explains it well. I have done it the way the book reads a few times.  I ad a dab of sealer so the body of the seal doesn't leak.


Hi Allen,

     Any luck with the pinion seal that you wrote about?  Hope the advice helped.

Dennis DiBari



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