Effectiveness of Hemmings Motor News Classified Ads - Especially for Parts

I've run a classified ad in Hemmings Motor News for my side parts business (Classic Cadillac Parts) since the late 1990's. and it is just getting harder and harder to justify the annual fees.

I have a very simple 4 line ad (pg 268 in March 2013 Hemmings) and the only thing I add is the bold face. No borders, no yellow background, no pictures, and its $204 for a year. I only get 10cents off a line as a print subscriber but no other discounts for paying by the year, etc.

My rant this year is I was contacted yesterday, and was told I had until today to renew in order to make the April issue.  That's $204 with 1 days notice and no discounts. I asked about discounts and the lady said I could make monthly Payments at the same rate, just spread out.  I'm like, "What!?. That's not a discount...or helping my wallet out. I asked about spending more for a fancier ad, with bells and whistles, maybe paying more for a decent ad upgrade to pay more but at a discounted rate and she said no options.  There is also no reduced online only option which is another complaint.

As a consumer I love browsing my Print Hemmings Motor News each month, but find their search tool kinda odd (if you don't know to look down don't even see the search results.).

I'm just a bit more than peeved about the 1 day notice, no new incentives, etc. I've got a list of over 1800 Cadillac Contacts not to mention my connection through the websites, etc. but man it seems hard to let go.

My question: how useful or how often do you use Hemmings Classified? ... especially to find parts. I guess I have until End of Day to reply and either pay up or miss having an ad in Hemmings for 10+ years.

Again, I love their publication, including the Hemmings Classic Car magazine, but man, they just aren't treating a decade classified ad customer with any respect!

If you have any thoughts let me know ASAP.

thanks, Jason.

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Comment by Jason Edge on February 10, 2013 at 2:12pm

Bill, I appreciate the feedback but again I pay for the full year and have run an add for 10+ years. I really don't mind the $204 at all, but the tone of the lady at hemmings and the 1 day notice struck me as wrong. It is in there every right to treat me and my little 4 lines as it should be...as an irrelevant little 4 lines and give me no break for paying 12 months at a time, (I try every year to pay multiple years as you would a magazine subscription) but I have the right to say adios.  I'll also say I've never heard of a subscrption Not Sending out reminders especially if you pay by the year. I've got reminders on my kitchen table right now from PC World, Rolling Stone and email reminders in my inbox from Sirius XM, Register.com, PC World, and others that actually give me repeated advance notice...in fact too much advance notice!  They also give me a break if I pay for mulitiple years.   My "suggestion" from the lady at Hemmings was that they "could bill me monthly!". The same rate, just a bill each month. I guess that makes it seem like I'm getting a break on price. Again, the price is not the issue, its the sorry overall customer service.

I really love Hemmings Classic Car magazine, and the Hemmings Motor News, but feel like I've been treated a bit less than dirt in this instance as someone that just wants a bit more than 1 day notice to renew "else your add drops out of Hemmings Classified."

Comment by Jason Edge on February 8, 2013 at 10:50pm

Thanks Frank, I'm sitting here in a Hotel Room on the lap top, getting ready for a CLC Region meet-up tomorrow in Statesville, NC, and DID NOT renew today, so guess I missed my deadline for April which means I will not have a small ad in Hemmings for the first time in 10+ years!  I do plan to find someone at Hemmings and write a letter, email or something and let them know I am not happy with the lack of customer service. Yeah, I know most of my customers are repeat and word of mouth at this point, or find me via google, but I always liked having my "little ad" in Hemmings. It's been part of who I am.  I'll take that $200 and invest in helluva parts website...now that they have rattled my cage though.   Thanks to everyone for listening to my rant. Jason.

Comment by Frank Murch on February 8, 2013 at 10:35pm

Jason, I use Hemmings and I am a long term reader, but I buy parts from people I know first.  I rarely buy from people I do not know.  The reason I would is to get some sort of skill I am not sure of (like rebuilding a cruise control)

I do not think you would lose much business with no add. You have this web site, your site and google. Hemmings is yesterday's technology

Comment by Jason Edge on February 8, 2013 at 12:06pm

Don, Did you find me in a print copy or online?  ps...thanks for the feedback. I just don't like 1 day renewal notices. It is poor business practice. I don't even have time to think how I might like to change my ad. I'm heading out in a few hours to our Carolina Region meetup in Statesville, NC so really have narrow window to do anything.


Comment by Jason Edge on February 8, 2013 at 10:51am

I would also love to hear form our other "in house" parts suppliers.


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