I digitized the 1964 Cadillac Service Department (round table program) training for the Cadillac Comfort Control. Unfortunately, the original film had a violent red cast, which I did not get completely out even after a long photo editing.
Fantastic video. Just saw it on YouTube and shared to our Facebook Page. Very detailed video. Thanks for sharing!
Do you have any more of these Roundtable Slidefilms? There were 9 in 1964 (this was Jan 1964), and 10 in 1963. This is the 1st I have seen in such good resolution!
I currently working on my second and actually last one I have. It about the autronic eye and twilight sentinel system :)
Do you know wich were the others about?
If anybody has any other, I can digitize it and send it back to the owner!
I have a 1963 measures of value #1 I can send you. It is a film you will need a projector for.
email me for more info. russ85747@hotmail.com
Christian, These are listed in the Serviceman Bulletin indexes. If you turn to the page there is a summary of the Roundtable Slidefilm. Here is the one for Weather Forecast from January 1964 as listed on page 4:
Since the new model year introductions were in the October Serviceman Bulletins, you basically need to look at the Oct 1962 to Sept 1964 Serviceman Bulletins to see items specific to the 1963/64 Cadillacs. Of course there is other great information that is often related to the 1963/64 Cadillacs in earlier and later Roundtable Slidefilms.
Below are the listings of the Roundtable Slidefilms for 1962, 1963, and 1964:
For 1962 you would look for the last 2 on page 50 and 66:
For 1963 This would cover the remainder of 1963, and starting with the slidefilm on page 52, it would be for 1964 Cadllacs:
For those listed in the 1964 Serviceman Bulletin, it would run thru the one on page 3 as the one on page 44, even though it is in the September SB, discusses changed for 1965 (Note Weather Forecast on Page 4 which was in the January 1964 issue):
Who has some of the 1963 films?
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Who rebuilds original AC accumulator dryers for 1964 Cadillac? I have been on Classic auto air in Tampa FL wait list for over a year , There is one on Old air products web site that looks very similar to the original # 21-4214A but states it fits 1962 Gm cars, The one recommended for a 1964 Cadillac is half the length 21-4215A What is everyone using ? I would prefer to be as original as possible. Thanks
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