I'm a new owner of a beautiful survivor 64 Sedan Deville. Shes missing a bolt on the back lower passenger side exhaust manifold. I was told by the seller its a unique bolt? I'd like to try and fix it by next weekend as she does the put put under acceleration. Any help or ways to point me to the correct part are greatly appreciated!
The 12 factory exhaust manifold to cylinder head bolts has a 9/16" hex head, thread is 7/16x14. The two left driver side rear bolts are 1 1/2” long & others are 2 1/4” long. The bolt shank size (7/16"x14) is a common size and you can find bolts with this thread at hardware stores but that 9/16" hex head is smaller than the standard 5/8" hex head found on most 9/16" bolts. I have plenty of the longer original 2 1/4" long bolts and like the one missing on your passenger side.
I sell that bolt in very good condition for $3 each, which drops to $2.25 with 25% Chapter discount. If interested email me at jasonedge64@outlook.com. If keeping the exact bolt head appearance is not important, you can find the 7/16"-14, 2 1/4" long bolts at places like www.boltdepot.com. You just want to make sure you get the Grade 5 or Grade 8 (preferred), hardened bolt. I am showing the bolt depot price of $1.39. Click Here to check it out. You may also be able to find the bolt at the local hardware and home improvement stores. Again, if you want the exact original bolt I have it.
You can order an new aftermarket Grade 8 thru Bolt Depot (or perhaps find at local hardware store), or shoot me an email and I will give you a total with shipping and I can have one shipped Priority as soon as tomorrow.
The gasket is probably burned through. I have copper gaskets that will not burn through or soften up.
Please email me at russ@thecadishack.com
Started by Jason Edge in General Discussion 11 hours ago. 0 Replies 0 Likes
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Hey everyone, has anybody done a Vintage Air AC/Heat setup in their car? I want to bypass the old vacuum setup and go with a Vintage Air Gen 2 model. Before I get started, does anyone have any experience with this? (Which model to go with, do’s and dont’s, etc.) It looks pretty involved. Any and all info/pics would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
February 23, 2025 from 7pm to 8:30pm – Zoom
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