1963 Eldorado Biarritz Cadillacs came in 5 Exterior Colors: Aquamarine, Blue, Green, Red, Gold.
I have the %'s of which colors were used on the Eldorado in 1963
... your task is to rank them 1 to 5!
1 Aquamarine
2 Red
3 Blue
4 Gold
5 Green
Matti got 1 of the 5 right... Green was the least popular with 9.7% of 63 Eldorados painted that color. Now, what is #1, #2, #3, and #4:
1: ?
2: ?
3: ?
4: ?
5: Green - 9.7%
Anymore guesses? I will give a hint which was a bit surprising to me... Neither Aqua nor Red are in the Top 2!
Kurt is very close and will give him The Cigar. The actual order on the 1964 Spec book lists 1963 Eldorado colors as:
1. Gold - 28.0%
2. Blue (which I assume was the Silver shown above in 63) - 26.1%
3. Aqua - 19.4%
4. Red - 16.8%
5. Green - 9.7%
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