Hello Co-Members,

I recently purchased a  low mileage1963 Sedan Deville Park Avenue.  It is extremely solid and runs well.  Neverthelss, it has minor problems that need to be addressed before I can consider it roadworthy.

Firstly, I need to replace or rebuild the power brake booster.  It appears that 1962 and 1963 models are unique in that the master cylinder has four rather than two bolts holding it onto the booster.  I like the master cylinder due to the fact that it has two screw on plugs rather than a cap and snap rod holding the cap onto the top.  I suspect that power brake boosters for 1964 and 1965 models will work if I change the master cylinder too.  Does anyone know that for sure?

Thank you. 

Stephen Pechenik

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Stephen, There were two boosters and master cylinders used in 1963 Bendix with the 4 bolts and Delco Morraine with 2 bolts. These look very different and need to mate the Delco Booster to Delco Master Cylinder and Bendix Booster to Bendix Master Cylinder. I have heard you can mate one brand up to the other with some mods but I am not familiar with and recommend keeping with the same brand. In 1964 the Bendix changed to a 2 bolt setup, but was still very different from the 1964 Delco. So between 1963 and 1964 you had basically 4 different setups. Yes, you can take a later setup (1965) or aftermarket but to save yourself some trouble you want to match the booster brand to master cylinder brand.

Just for reference, Here is a 1963 Bendix

Here is a 1963 Delco

Here is a 1964 Bendix:

Here is a 64 Delco:

One final note, I get asked how to tell the different. The easiest way is to look for the "Bendix Bumps" The raised round circular area where it mates up to the master cylinder. Below is a 64 Bendix on the left with an aftermarket/later year style master cylinder. Easy to see it is a Bendix from the "Bumps". On the right you see the Bendix matted to a 1964 style Bendix master cylinder. 

Dear Jason,

Thank you very much for the photos.  I have been a car collector for many years and appreciate the details that you furnished.  I have owned about 20 Cadillacs and have learned the hard way how valuable this sort of information is.  I just received the factory repair manual yesterday.  Sure enough, similar details were given.

I hope that you have the courage to inform me when I am overreaching.  You are certainly a worthy informational source and I look forward to meeting you at some meet in the future.

Very truly yours,

Stephen Pechenik

My brake booter seems to be bad on my 63 Deville also but I have no idea which booter I have, mine doesn't match any of the pics.

Mine has the master cylinder recessed into the booter and the vacuum valve on the bottom right-side, bottom....

The closest thing to it, would be the pic of the 64 Delco here.

I was looking for a replacement booter online and came across a company called Speedway has anyone here use their Brake Booters?

After closer inspection looks like I have the Delco Booter unit installed upside down. 

I don't think the Booter been upside down caused the problem I'm having.

The previous owner said the brakes were working at some point. 

He did say that a friend was working on the brakes and replaced the master cylinder.

He was also working up under the Dash and could have put the booter in upside down I guess, but the vacuum line looks molded to current location.

I have a really hard pedal and very poor brakes.


If you had the same problem I did, then your car lacked any power boosting to the brakes, making the brake pedal very hard to press on to stop the car.  Mine was a Bendix system.  However, after changing them out, I do not believe that you replace it with the same that was in it.  I do suggest that you have the master cylinder rebuilt at the same time.  

It is a relatively easy job to remove and reinstall. My problem is when I got under the dash, I opted to do other things too (i.e., change bulbs, vacuum hoses, pull the radio & speaker for repair, etc.).  

I was looking at Speedway for a new booster but when you look at there boosters  details the bolt pattern’s are different and all say they fit 63 Cadillac. 

So this point not sure if any will work.

Just wondering if there’s a good replacement booster that works.

Dear Eunan,

When I redid mine last year, I was in a "keep it as built" phase of my life.  Due to the fact that my Park Avenue had a Bendix system, the cost of rebuilding the master cylinder and the booster was extraordinarily high, due more to the condition of the master cylinder than the booster.  

I have become much more pragmatic as I have progressed with that project.


My 63 Sedan Deville Bendix power brakes (like the first picture) are intermittent (meaning the brakes always work, but the pedal gets really hard). The booster and master cylinder are both original and I would feel better replacing or rebuilding both. Later in this post, Stephen Pechenik wrote "However, after changing them out, I do not believe that you replace it with the same that was in it.".  So my question is, "Is there a recommended replacement that is better and won't break the bank?" And where to get it? Thank you


Dear Tony and Ginny,

Thank you for the insight and assistance. I will use your photos to determine which brand the car has. I have opted for rebuilding of the unit I have as the replacement units that I have found are very expensive. This car has 48,000 miles on its odometer. It has practically no rust. My only regret is that it lacs a/c. Nevertheless, I plan to drive it this summer and decide whether or not to repaint it this fall as it has a very bad paint job over the original paint presently.  But,  I digress...

Thanks again.

Very truly yours,

Stephen Pechenik

The CLC recently had a message string which may have some helpful information.  The discussion concerns a 1968 booster but one of the posters did indicate that he rebuilt his 1964 booster.  The string does mention various suppliers, delivery times, et cetera. 




Chris, that's a nice write up with some useful tips. 

When I pull the Booster, I may give it a go. I have a new MC on there already and the Booster looks pretty rust free. 

Thank you...



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