Hi Again this time its the timing chain cover R&R . The Reason is someone broke one of the Timing chain cover long bolts off and siliconed the broken bolt back in the hole, Imagine that ! So my question is I cant get a factory timing chain gasket set and I will probably have to do the oil pan Gasket also as they are all connected together SOOO I can get Fel pro or Mahale gaskets Has anyone used these gaskets and had good luck Or any other suggestions and any mods that need to be done.
I replaced my timing chain & gears back in 2011. I can't remember what brand gaskets I bought but I think it was Fel Pro. There was a groove on the harmonic balancer shaft too so I installed a repair sleeve on the balancer shaft. I replaced the rear main seal too which lessened the leak but did not completely stop it. The next time I have the oil pan off I will perform the "Rear Main Seal Oil Leak Fix with Bearing Cap Modification" posted in the Help section https://6364cadillac.ning.com/forum/topics/rear-main-seal-oil-leak-fix There is a preferred seal brand to use for that in the article.
Be careful with the bolts in the aluminum front cover, They do stick & break off fairly easily. Use penetrating oil, heat, etc on the stuck one. A replacement front cover is hard to find. Be sure to inspect the oil pump gears & housing for excessive scoring. Replace & resurface if necessary.
Good luck.
Thanks Tony By the way does this have a nylon gear for timing chain
I have been using this for oil pans for about 10 years and it was recommend by a friend that was working for Toyota Racing team it is by far the best I have ever used I use it on everything now. I clean the surface with brake clean and then let the brake clean dry off and apply this . you can get it on amazon
Tony 2 questions my engine has only 61000 miles on it did it originally come with nylon gear. #2 ,do those 2 studs that are in the front of the pan can they be removed using 2 nuts jammed together or are they pressed in. Also I am Having a hard time getting that front cover off,
Yes and yes. They are just threaded studs and do the 2 nut trick all the time to remove them.
Awesome Thank you some one has welded the entire exhaust system together
Ok Thanks
Thanks Kurt
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February 23, 2025 from 7pm to 8:30pm – Zoom
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