Boys and Girls, Hope you can help. I was looking on the Website for information or manual on operation and repair of the power top motor. Mine was working fine until last week. I pushed the switch to put the top down. All went well and it dropped into the well. The motor sounded as it has always sound. I had a new boot made my local upholstery guy and he also topped up the fluid which had been a little low. It worked fine.. When I tried to put the top back up the motor did not sound the same. I was getting power but the sound was week and the top did not move. I disconnected the 1/2 inch T with the to hoses attached to it. But I could not manually get the top to go up. I see a round headed "bolt" with a grove for large screw driver on the narrow passenger side of the pump.. Do I also loosen or remove that so I can overcome any resistance to manually put the top back up? Getting to the pump with the top stuck in the down position is difficult. I want to remove it and bench test it. But I assume I have to remove the back seat seatback to get to the bolts that hole the pump in place with the rubber grommets. But I am not sure how to remove the seatback. I don't want to damage the chrome trim above the Seatback but don't see where or how I could remove the trim..I will look at the manual again and see if there is any section on seat removal. I see nothing on power tops or seatback removal in the help section of you website.
As you can see here there's not really any access to the top motor with the back seat removed. Your best bet would probably be to use some large objects like blocks of wood or whatever you have available to put on both sides of the top motor to lift the convertible top up enough to get you access to the motor. Once you have enough room, I'd definitely try topping it off with some more fluid first and see if that does the gets it going again. If it was too low on fluid, the motor may have burned out in which case it's time to order a new one. The thing that doesn't get mentioned often here is the fluid that you need to use and you cannot mix these. It's either filled with DOT3 brake fluid which is clear yellowish or trans fluid which you will definitely know because it's red. If you switch to trans fluid when installing a new motor, you need to flush all the old fluid out of the lines and cylinders beforehand.
Thanks for your reply and photo. You saved me a lot of time by not trying to remove the seatback. I removed the 1/2 inch T with the two tubes that is located on the back (trunk side) of the pump. . But I will try to get to the port on the back of of the pump that faces the seatback and open it, as well, if I can see it and get to it.. I have tried putting a plastic tarp under the pump to reduce fluid leaking all over the trunk hump. But I do not see how I can get to the bolts holding the pump in place with the rubber grommets. the top guy might have mixed the fluids.
Unless they hooked yours up with different hardware, you should be able to get the motor unbolted with a 7/16 wrench or socket. Mine was only bolted down on one side surprisingly enough. As for the fluid, it's going to make a mess regardless of how you tackle it so my advice it shove a bunch of paper towels around it to soak up all the fluid as you remove it. Once you unhook the hydraulic lines, they're going to make a mess and you might have to get creative to avoid it, such as by sticking each line in individual Ziploc bags and putting those in a disposable cup or wax paper bowl.
When it comes to topping off the fluid in the motor, it's pretty easy. Just use a turkey baster and fill it from the side, making sure you use the correct fluid.
Thanks for the photo, Chris. my motor must be different. Mine has no bolts going into the pump from above. All I see are the rubber grommets. The center of the grommet is open. No bolt. I was at a junk yard on saturday and saw a 69 or 70 with the back seast seatback removed. the access to the motor was via an opening in the center of the metal behind were the seatback was. I wonder if there is such an opening behind the seatback in a 63. It seems my motor is bolted from underneath the shelf the motor rests on.
Usually with the top up you can sit on the back seat, and unclip the convertible top liner behind the seat to access the motor, but since your top is stuck down, that doesn't seem like an option. I still can't image that they would somehow put screws from underneath as that would make working on it impossible. Try giving it a pull. The only thing holding it in very might just be the rubber grommets alone.
Chris, in your photo I see no access to the platform on which the pump rests. As I mentioned in another replsy, I saw an access area to the bottom of the platform from behind the seat on a 69 or 70 at a junk yard.
I think you are right regarding mixing the fluid types. The first thing I want to do I see if I can remove the resistance to me manually getting the top in the up and locked position. I have removed the plug with the 2 hoses from the back (trunkside} of the pump. I was told there is a port on the other side (seatback side} of the pump. If I can find that and open it, will there be no resistance to me manually lifting and locking the top: How can I get to the 3 bolts and grommets that seem to hold the pump in place, if I need to remove it?. Is there an allen wrench access or screw drive access in the center of the Grommets? Would removing the large round headed drain bolt on the passenger side of the pump remove an resistance to manually getting the top up. Thanks for your reply to my post.
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