Hi I am new to this Discussion  I currently purchasing a 64 Deville convertible and It has bias ply tires that are 15 year old  they have L-78-15 tires and would like to put on radials . Question  what is a good cross to radial tire and is l-78-15 the original tire size. Thanks  Mark

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The 235/75R15 is a good match.  Look into the Ironman tires for a white wall. 

Hi Russ I am looking at the 235 75R15 in Ironman are those the RB12 after the tire size Thanks

Hey Russ   what size white wall do you recommend and what was the stock width  Thanks

I went with the ironmans, they ride well and feel good on the car. the width wall width is 1 inch. Not sure what the stock width is. 

Original white wall width and distance from rim across the 3 tire suppliers is discussed in our Tires: Original Tires and Rims (Wheels) used on 1963 & 1964 Cad...   Scroll down and you will see  chart. Help Page.

Hi Russ looked at the Ironman Tires quite a few people are complaining the white wall turns brown  after a year have you had this issue

Thank you Tony, So you agree with Russ Austin the 235 75 R15 ? Have you tried stick on weights for mag wheels?

I am surprised you don't run Bias Ply on your Eldo. I am strongly considering it for my 64 Fleetwood. By all accounts I have heard, the driving feel is better than radial. Bias Ply being softer. I am not a speed runner and most of the area around here is flat- so no large concerns there. The occasional jaunt on the freeway is the fastest I ever make it. 


Thank you

I recently changed out my Eldo's  bias ply tires for a set of radials, so I could drive the car and enjoy it a lot more.

I bought Coker's Firestone Steel Belted 721 LR78-15 "bias-look" radials with a very close to correct Cadillac 3/4" whitewall stripe. Matches the original spare in my car.  Overall diameter 28.78".

Price was $334.00 each. 

You can special-order tires similar to these from Diamondback (not sure Coker does this) with the sidewalls "blank", meaning there's no tire brand showing, only a size.  Makes the tires look classier to me.  

Mark. I just purchased a set of 820-15 Radial Damond back tires with a one inch whitewall they look  very similar to the original tires  which where 820-15 bias ply with a one inch white wall. $304.00 each.  The original spare tire in the trunk was a 820-15 US Royal with a one inch white wall. I should have them in two weeks.

Not sure, but it i a white wall tire. I like them on my car.



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