I have spent a few hours trying to get pump to pump fluid. The lines are all clear, The pump Is working as it should when the washer button is pushed. I have a spare wiper motor assembly which I have switched parts around with. The diaphragm is in good condition, The only idea I have at this point is that the seal around the valves is leaking. I tried to coat the seal with Vaseline but no difference.
Any ideas where to go next?
Does any body out there have any idea if the seal is available anywhere?
Hi Wayne,
Did you try a Wind. Washer Pump repair kit (white piece where the three hoses attach to)? It has to be put together the same way with the O rings as per diagram. For my 64 Caddy, I did the repair kit, but still no luck. I then had the W/W Pump rebuilt by a reputable rebuilder and it now works great. Hope this helps.
Dennis DiBari, Cottekill, NY
I have ordered a windshield washer pump rebuild kit from Caddy Daddy and should receive it very soon. My pump mechanism seems to work properly so I'm thinking that should solve the problem.
Thanks for your input Dennis.
Good luck with the kit. Make sure you put all the rubber pieces from the kit in the exact same places as they were in the old unit - careful when you take it out.
Dennis DiBari
hello wayne,
i worked at neighborhood gas stations in the late 1960s. Assuming the pump is operational, I have a dim but distinct memory of having to "prime" the windshield washer pumps from that era in order to get them to work. My memory is that we used the air hose with an attachment to push the fluid to the pump and then continue the process while someone was holding the button. Some cars had a small hole in the reservoir's top that we could use for this purpose; others we used to insert the hose into the reservoir itself. we used an attachment that somewhat resembled this:
i'm sure there are others methods. you could, for example, fill the hose running to the pump and then use lung power, an admittedly less than sanitary process but one that I know has worked in the past.
don't know if this will help; i hope it does
good luck and let us know what you find out.
This does jar some memories from my dad's mechanic shop years ago. We would also shoot a small amount of controlled air into the hole in the reservoir top to see if the pump would prime. It is worth a shot.
Dennis DiBari
I am glad you mentioned “controlled” air since I neglected to note that we usually would blow the air in while the top was not sealed so as to avoid potentially damaging the plastic reservoir! Unless we were in a hurry …
You are 100% correct. I hope Wayne tries the W/W Kit repair also. It may do the trick. Mine was a bit more complicated. Nice talking to you.
Dennis DiBari
I tried priming the pump but no luck, I got a little fluid into the pump body but it would not pump.
Thanks for your input Chris, Ill post the fix when I find it.
I have used the rebuild kits and I had to prime the system.
Check your washer fluid too. I've had problems getting the washer to pump before only to find out that the fluid had formed some gunk that was clogging the screen on the intake hose.
Already have checked the fluid. It was good clean fluid and the screen was clear.
Thanks Curt for your input.
I remember having to prime my pump also. I think I had removed the hose and had a big jug or container of water held above, siphoned some until it starting coming out then attached to the pump and operated it.
Right now, I have the opposite problem as mine started leaking at the 3 nipple top piece and ordered another pump kit which has been in my trunk since. I may have too much pressure! Another of my todos. Good luck and let is know the outcome. The only person I even deal with regarding wiper motors and pumps at this point is Classic Wiper in SC. Owner Sam does very good work at a reasonable rate and rebuilt the one I had on my car way back, and has rebuilt several others for my customers over the years.
Here is his contact info as found on our Parts Supplier Page:
Classic Wipers - www.classicwipers.com
windshield wiper repair and restoration shop, highly recommended
21 Windtree Ct, Travelers Rest, SC 29690, 864-5511-5277, sam@classicwipers.com
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