I've been having a problem recently with my car stalling at a stop light. It happened three times. The first two was just a quick restart and the engine fired right up. The third time, I had difficulty starting her. I finally go her started and limped her home. I suspect a failing fuel pump and replace it.
The first day, the car ran great. The next day, she stalled out again when decelerating and at a stop light. I got her started and home.
This morning, I started her cold and she started right up. Drove her to the donut shop get together and then she wouldn't start initially. Got her started and home. At home I turned her off, the tried to restart her. No luck. She just cranks over. There is spark at the coil and at plug 1 (I didn't test the other plugs.). There is also fuel with pressure in the fuel filter bowl. See pick.
Here are YouTube links with the videos of attempting to start the Car, and one showing fuel shooting into the intake ports. Any thoughts what the problem might be, and running? Perhaps a float problem???
Thanks for all your input!!!
Thanks for all of your advice. Merry Christmas to you and Ginny.
Cool video! At least now you know the culprit! Good to see you on our Zoom Chapter Chapter tonight.
Thanks, Jason.
Sorry I couldn't stay for the whole thing. I had a dinner date with my wife.
Merry Christmas and Thanks again.
Looks very similar to the hotwire pigtail I made. Keep that in your glove box. It'll get you home if you accidently lose your keys (or lock them in the trunk : )
That is fantastic. Always a good feeling to figure out and fix a problem like this! Well done!
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