While compiling a parts list for order, I know I have a leaky brake cylinder as well. 

I note there are two different sizes. If replacing-does the bore size matter as long as they are both the same?


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Logan, I purchased all my brake parts from Kanter auto. wheel cylinders, hardware kits,  brake hoses, and brake shoes. for my Fleetwood sixty Don't throw away your old brake return springs, & hardware because you will want to retain them and reuse some of them because some in the hardware kits are not as good.


     You are so right!  When I rebuilt my entire brake system, I retained all the brake shoe springs for all four wheels.  Albeit I ordered new hardware, they were not all perfect matches.  I'm glad I saved all the springs to mix and match as needed.

Dennis DiBari

This is good advise! 

I purchased complete backing plate sets from Jason some time ago and installed those on my car. I recall keeping the hardware from the old backing plate-Ill have to dig around and find that bag of greasy springs and pins haha!

Do you recall how to determine the bore size of the cylinders? 



Hey Logan

check Rock auto they have good range of parts and good prices and fast delivery even to Australia 




Thats where I intend to order my parts from. But there are two bore sizes for the fronts. 

1" and 1-3/16" 

1964 CADILLAC SERIES 60 FLEETWOOD 7.0L 429cid V8 Wheel Cylinder | S...

  • Centric 13462085, Front Right 1" Bore, $15.41
  • Centric 13462084, Front Left 1" Bore, $15.73
  • Centric 13462021, Front Left 1-3/16" Bore, $26.79
  • Centric 13462022, Front Right 1-3/16" Bore, $26.79

So knowing which ones to purchase is my largest concern at this point. 


     The only true way to ascertain the size of the bore of the wheel cylinder is with a telescoping tool kit and a micrometer.  You can measure the size bore of your present cylinder and then order the new one based upon that.  The telescoping gauge and micrometer would not be all that expensive - they are spring loaded sizes.

Dennis DiBari

Logan , if you take off the wheel cylinder and remove the dust boot a Tape measure will tell you if it is 1 inch or  1 -3/16  you could buy a 1 inch wooden dowel and compare too,  Pretty sure it is the larger cylinder though. Or a digital caliper will do the job too 

Is there really a difference? As long as I put both the same on each side, would it matter? 

Hi Logan

According to the shop manual, the front cylinders have a larger bore (1-3/16”) compared to the rear cylinders (1”).

This makes sense, as the front brakes play a larger role in stopping the car.

Additionally, RockAuto sells 1-3/16” bore cylinders for the front and 1” bore cylinders for the rear.




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