I recently purchased a new reproduced harness connector for my window switch. I pulled to old connector apart and cleaned the contacts to the switch wires and window switches while I had it out. Before I replaced it, my passenger window would go down but not up from the master switch. After replacing it, my passenger window didn't work at all from the drivers side and the rear window would only go down and not back up from the master switch. It was late so I buttoned everything up to put away until today, but when I went to put the drivers window up, I got nothing.

At that moment, I realized none of the windows were working any longer at all. I checked my fuses and it looked like everything was alright. It appears the window switches share the same fuse as the horn and the horn was still working. What would cause all the windows to stop working at the same time? I have a few cracked wires in the rubber boot where the door shuts, but would one of those cause all the windows to stop working? Or could it be the relay? 

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I do have a bunch of cracked wires in the rubber boot, but the windows worked before replacing this little connector part. Now after working for a few moments, nothing is working. It is a mess in the boot though. I should have taken a picture of it last night while I was poking around the car. 

When I was inspecting the mess of wires I think I found the culprit. I'll be back with some pictures shortly.

Ok, so the wiring in the door boot was very sketchily rigged up and I had been moving it around to see if I could make the passenger window work. It must have caused it to come lose. 

Also, does anybody have any of these clips that hold the switch tog...

Fusick automotive products inc. has them new.    Power window switch retaining clip. You will see the short piece on line, but not the longer one. The longer piece is PWSC605

I didn't see this reply yesterday, but thanks a ton Russ. I had no idea anybody was making these anymore. I'll pick these up and report back. The switch seems to work when held together by hand but isn't holding together well enough with these broken clips. 

I'm jealous, that is a good-looking original leather armrest



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